This Is One Sports Line That's Not Gym-Appropriate
On the spectrum from outré to simply bizarre, there are some designers who consistently go beyond the pale with their mind-bending creations. Case in point, designer Jeremy Scott's collaboration with Adidas is a range of gym-inappropriate wares one might not even venture out the door wearing. The designer uploaded preview images of the daring collection to his Instagram account, @itsjeremyscott, beginning on October 15, much to the delight and dismay of Adidas consumers everywhere.
The collection is comprised of flamboyantly printed, patterned, mesh, body con, and leather-infused goods, and that's to say nothing of a particular bondage-inspired tracksuit. Golden musical notes embellish an otherwise straightforward black tracksuit, and yet another incarnation of the Adidas signature suit is covered in what Scott called "tiger camo" by way of description. Other memorable looks include a golden baseball jersey (somewhere, Tom Ford should be receiving royalties), a rouge track suit-inspired maxi dress manufactured with the Adidas logo and racing stripes, and a zip-up dress so tight that wearing the piece might be a workout in itself. A white leather and crimson jersey-style vest with tuxedo tails deserves an honorable mention as well.
So what can devoted Adidas customers glean from this eccentric mashup of a collection? First off, Jeremy Scott is having an S&M moment this season, as evidenced by his leather bondage tracksuit. Secondly, Scott is, as ever, infatuated with animal print. And perhaps most importantly, Scott's Adidas line shouldn't be worn anywhere near the gym, track, or anywhere athletic activities might ordinarily take place.
Images: itsjeremyscott/Instagram