11 Celebrities’ Coffee Orders That Speak Volumes About Their Personalities
Your favorite caffeinated beverage, and how you prepare it is almost like a Myers-Briggs test based on your tastebuds. After all, you can tell a lot about someone by the beverage they start their day out with. Whether you take your coffee black, light and sweet, or strong and bold, you best believe that your barista is taking your personality inventory when they sling your caffeinated drinks. Especially if you're famous because in that case, the barista is probably sharing all those details with the Internet. After all, inquiring minds of the non-famous plebs want to know.
So, how do celebrities take their coffee? Who takes it black? Who opts for Splenda? Who is a latte-drinker, and who is a cappuccino fan? Who has an intensely complicated 10-word Starbuck's order? Let's have a glimpse into the java psyches of our favorite celebs.
Taylor Swift
In her 2008 tour rider, Swiftie requests a grande iced caramel latte with 2 Sweet’n Lows and a grande iced Americano with two Sweet’n Lows to be in her trailer on Fridays and Saturdays. Translation: she likes it cold and sickeningly sweet… Kind of like the songs about her ex boyfriends.
Miley Cyrus
According to Shape magazine, when Miles pops by Starbucks she grabs a nonfat white mocha without whipped cream. Basically, she likes diet vanilla butterbeer.
Ariana Grande
Somehow, I could tell that Ari isn’t much of a coffee purist. As Answers.com reports, Grande opts for a venti vanilla bean Frappuccino, in keeping with her ultra-sweet pop persona.
Katy Perry
A Chicago barista mixed up a vanilla soy latte for the California Girl in August, which she subsequently tweeted about. In essence, she likes her lattes sweet, but is into the trend factor of not drinking real milk.
Nicole Kidman
According to Fox News, Nicky Kidz enjoys a grande skim wet cappuccino every morning. Unlike the aforementioned iced coffee folks, Kidman clearly enjoys the ritual of sipping her coffee as it cools.
Renee Zellweger
Get ready for a mouthful… According to an LA Starbucks Barista,The Bridget Jones star wakes up with a triple grande, nonfat, extra hot, no foam latte. She likely enjoy the fancy factor of having a nine-word Starbucks order, so we can guess that she enjoys appearing cosmopolitan.
Hayden Panettiere
It makes perfect sense that a vanilla nonfat chai is Panettiere’s reported drink of choice, according to Buzzfeed. It seems like her bubbly energy wouldn’t mix well with too much caffeine.
Elijah Wood
Frodo doesn’t play around with his caffeine. According to Babble, Elijah Wood reportedly takes 4 shots of espresso over ice at his local Starbucks. What can we guess from that? He’s probably dizzyingly productive, and experiences a profound crash around 2 p.m.
Whitney Port
From reading the markings of her Starbucks cup, a former barista and Celebuzz commenter divined that Port drinks a triple venti skinny vanilla latte. I’m guessing this high tolerance for stimulants is a product of her coming of age within the caffeine-fueled fashion world.
Rachel Dratch
According to the New York Post, Dratch is reportedly all about the cappuccinos. Ergo, she believes in keeping her mornings meditative.
Parker Posey
According to this Starbucks gossip forum, this funny lady gets a drip coffee, keeping her order simple and classic just like her look. No frills lady after my own heart, man.