These Two Have More Pets Than Ace Ventura

It's almost time for the weekend but alas, alas, we are not there yet! Thankfully I have some ultra-adorable news to send your way to help you get through that last bit of work: Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed adopted a new kitten on Wednesday after visiting an animal shelter. The animal-loving, really, really, ridiculously good-looking couple have been together for less than a year, but they are quickly becoming the Duggars of family pets.
The Vampire Diaries star and Thirteen writer/actress just adopted another furry friend into their brood, a grey kitten they picked up while visiting an animal shelter. Reed posted the photo to her Instagram with the caption, "Went to the animal shelter today to give some love to the babies living in cages who don't have homes and ended up adopting this little girl! What should we name her?" Considering their other pets have names like Nietzsche, I'm sure this cat won't be another "Fluffy" or "Princess."
Along with their new feline addition, Somerhalder and Reed have a bundle of dogs, cats, and even a horse. The two regularly post on social media about pet adoption, animal welfare, shelters, and the positive impact of pets on people's lives. Reed has also designed a series of dog collars and leashes for Gilt and the profits will be donated to the ASPCA. In short: they are impossibly delightful together.
Since it's Thursday and all, and you probably need to look at a few pics of pretty people and adorable animals, here's the full Somerhalder/Reed Farm. Enjoy!
The Cats
Above, the yet-to-be-named newest member of the farm.
Must write description... too distracted by... eyes. Right! Somerhalder writes, "Being a Dad... Morning vet visit with moke before heading to my 1st Day of work for SEASON 6 of The Vampire Diaries!" Swoon.
Last Halloween, Somerhalder used the holiday to promote pet adoption, naturally. "It's HALLOWEEN! Will you go adopt a black kitty or Pup? Please? Black Dogs and cats are last to be adopted & the 1st to be euthanized...Why? Superstition. Silly humans-my little black one has done NOTHING but bring me amazing energy & sh*t-tons of love." DAWWWWWWW.
The Dogs
This sand-covered pup is Reed's "gorgeous" best friend.
Somerhalder not only promotes animal rights, he helps protect them by raising pups at his home and helping them get adopted into loving families.
This puppy pillow goes by the name Nietzsche.
So much dog. So much precious.
The Horse
Reed and Somerholder adopted this horse named Eagle earlier this summer and refer to him as their "big baby boy." You may now begin to melt.
Images: IanSomerhalder (7); iamnikkireed(2)/ Instagram