12 Caramel Apples To Make for Halloween, Or Any Time, Really
Want to make a sweet treat that still has a little kick of healthiness to it? While these may be coated in candy and covered in caramel, there are still luscious pieces of fruit to be found at the core of every dessert apple. With the end of October quickly approaching, ideas on how to dress up your caramel apples for Halloween probably couldn't come at a better time. Make them creepy, make them funny, make them classy... just be sure you make them memorable.
So without further ado, let's get this party started with Baked by Rachel's Spooky Black Caramel Apples. Totally and utterly obsessed. Just look at them.
Image: Baked by Rachel
Dripping Candy Apples
Candy apples are just as much fun as caramel ones… and these dripping ones from A Beautiful Mess proves it. Creepy, but still somehow really pretty. Nicely done.
Image: A Beautiful Mess
The Candy Corn Caramel Apple
Everyone loves candy corn during the fall. Cover your caramel apple with this seasonal treat, then drizzle it with chocolate. It doesn’t get much better.
Image: Malingering/Flickr
Samoa Caramel Apples
Apples covered in caramel, chocolate, and coconut? Dreams really do come true. Check out Confessions of a Cookbook Queen’s Samoa caramel apples recipe for a deliciously sweet snack.
The Caramel, Chocolate, Peanut Apple
Get some spiderweb action happening on your holiday treats. Half-dip your caramel apple in warm chocolate, and then immediately dip it into a bowl of chopped peanuts. Take an icing applicator, fill it with the warm chocolate, and design a spiderweb on the caramel-only side.
Image: Joanne Wan/Flickr
The Rocky Road Caramel Apple
Inspired by the ice cream, Brown Eyed Baker’s Rocky Road Caramel Apple will not let you down. Swap out the chopped walnuts for almonds if you want to stay classic.
Image: Brown Eyed Baker
The White Chocolate Ghost Caramel Apple
White chocolate ghost apples because duh. Dip your apple in caramel, followed by a dip in white chocolate. Once the chocolate has dried, add on eyebrows, mouths, and eyes with chocolate icing and candy decor.
Image: Sea Turtle/Flickr
The Chocolate Pretzel Caramel Apple
Salty and sweet is never a bad decision. Whip together a batch of chocolate pretzel caramel apples with What’s Cooking Love’s delectable recipe.
Image: What’s Cooking Love
The Caramel Apple Covered In Chocolate Pieces
Take your pick: M&M’s, Reese’s Pieces, or classic chocolate chips. Dip your apple into some caramel, and then roll it around in a bowl of goodies to make your own colorful masterpiece.
Image: Marcia O’Connor/Flickr
The Salt Sprinkled Caramel Apple
Keep it simple with a salted caramel apple. There’s a reason salted caramel’s a thing.
Image: Emilie Hardman/Flickr
The Chocolate Swirl Caramel Apple
Create a creepy cool look by making chocolate swirl caramel apples. Dip the apple in a dark chocolate, and then dip it in a white chocolate. You can use a toothpick to decorate the drying coats of chocolate with an elegant design.
Image: Sharyn Morrow/Flickr
The Catered Apple
These little pig apples are too damn cute not to share. Consider purchasing a box of pre-made goodies if you don’t feel like tying on your apron. Haters gonna hate, but we’re just gonna shake (and eat candy coated caramel apples). They’re still homemade, just not by you.
Image: Joe Sparks/Flickr