The "Seamless For Weed" App Is Here

With legalized medicinal marijuana swiftly becoming a reality across the country, it was only a matter of time Silicon Valley would create an app to help you score your weed. Billed as the "Uber for weed," Meadow is a mobile app for medical marijuana delivery, connecting patients with providers from the comfort of their own couch. Feel having some Blueberry Kush tonight? Just log in to your Meadow account, confirm your order and bam — a bag of pot will be at your doorstep in less than an hour, with no additional delivery charge. It's brilliant, practical, and so very stimulating.
Although some medical marijuana dispensaries already offer delivery, Meadow is a way to streamline the process, placing all your favorite collectives in one place. Meadow is the brainchild of David Hua, a long-time medical marijuana user who's ultimate goal is to help other patients secure their medication quickly — and safely. Hua recently told TechCrunch:
This is not some get-rich-quick scheme; we’re playing the long game on behalf of the medical movement. Our overarching goal is to implement and publicize a lawful marketplace to demonstrate to medical cannabis opponents that patients can obtain access to necessary treatment without endangering public safety or the rule of law.
Hua is being very careful about the latter. Currently, Meadow keeps a secure database that's compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which means your private patient information won't be publicized or shared. The only people who'll see your information are the dispensaries you're choosing to order from. You simply upload your driver's license or identification card number and a doctor's recommendation and you're good to go.
On that dispensary note, you're probably wondering what kind of goods Meadow has to offer. Well, for right now Meadow only has one dispensary partner: The Vapor Room in San Francisco, so your options are limited to their menu. It's not such a bad thing — Meadow allows you to browse the dispensary's fully daily menu, giving you the prices, by the gram, for each strain.
Unfortunately, Meadow is only available to residents in northern California at the moment. However, Hua hopes to gain more dispensary partners and expand Meadow beyond California. Of course, it'll still only be available in states that have either legalized marijuana completely, like Colorado, or legalized medical marijuana. But with 23 states having already legalized medicinal weed, there's a pretty good chance Meadow and its products are coming to your doorstep soon.
Images: screenshots/ Meadow