11 Cat Clothes And Accessories For Humans Who Want To Channel Taylor Swift And Ariana Grande
Cat couture is a thing. A real, viable thing. And not just because celeb cat ladies like Ariana Grande, with her ever-present cat ears, and Taylor Swift, who loves her fur babies Meredith and Olivia more than she loved One Direction's Harry Styles so much that she has cat-branded Keds. Cats are super in vogue right now with fashion and beauty, from cat tees to cat sweaters to cat headbands to Karl Lagerfeld's cat Choupette being the face of shu uemura. You can show off your inner cat lady and your love of the feline furballs with plenty of pieces, from apparel to accessories. 2014 is the year of the cat. Claws up, baby!
Image: Modcloth
June Cleaver Cat Frock
If you love felines as well as the fitted, full-skirted, and ’50s-style June Cleaver frocks, then this dress is all you. Add heels, pearls, and some red lipstick and BAM! You’re instant throwback (Mrs. Cleaver) with a modern touch (Taylor Swift).
Feline Muscle
Yeah, cats are cute, but they can also be pretty BA — like this muscle tee. Pair it with gray jeggings and high-top sneakers for that tough but cute tomboy look.
Cashmere Kitty
When it’s cold, you want to cuddle up with your cat and sip some chai tea. If work or other silly responsibilities get in the way, don this cozy, minimalist, cashmere sweater instead. It will have a similar effect.
International Kitty
Who doesn’t love clever wordplay emblazoned on a comfy white shirt? It’s even better when it involves a cat.
$13, forever
Parisian Cat Chic
This could easily have been jacked from T. Swizzle’s closet. It has such a Parisian vibe!
Cat Ears, Pt 2
Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift were pretty equally responsible for bringing cat ears to the fashion mainstream on days other than Halloween. Wear ‘em just ‘cuz you feel like it, you fashion-rule-maker, you.
Shark Cat
…because cats are the sharks of domestic animals? Okay, maybe not, but this riff on the iconic Jaws poster is pretty funny and dorky. It’s a men’s item, but whatever — everyone knows the guy’s section at UO is cooler anyways.
Image: Urban Outfitters
Cropped Cat
Show your abs in this cropped cat sweater. It’s perfect for layering over a dress as the weather gets chillier.