17 Matthew McConaughey Quotes That Prove He's A Real Philosopher
Matthew McConaughey is considered the ultimate celebrity hippie, and that's probably because he does things like play the bongos naked and wear headbands when he doesn't actually need to push his hair back. Even though McConaughey marches to the beat of his own drum (which, again, he plays while naked) the Best Actor winner could teach us mainstream folk a thing or two about life. Check out the best quotes from McConaughey through the years that will teach you how to live your life just a little bit better. (I'm sure he wasn't that stoned in these interviews.)
From his Q&A with People Magazine, on why he never gives up on an ex:
“I still remain friends with every woman that I’ve ever really cared about. I just don’t know how to put Wite-Out over that period in my life. No one was lying during that time, it just didn’t work out. So hopefully you’re going to be inviting me to your wedding and I’m going to be inviting you to mine.”
Giving hair advice during an interview with Elle.
“If you want your hair to be thicker, cut it when the moon is about to be full—a heavy, full, waxing moon. Do not cut it when the moon’s waning.”
From his interview with Details
“People are going, ‘You’re the sexiest man in America.’ And I’m like, ‘No, no — alive!’ Those extraterrestrials out there? Those dudes on Mars? They ain’t got nothing on me, man. I’m sexy, and I’m alive. Fact!”
From an interview with GQ in which he also writes poetry.
“Rollin’ through yellow lights on my skateboard. Kiss the fire, and walk away whistlin’.”
(I have no idea.)
From an interview with Esquire, on his life’s philosophy:
“And at the end of your life, all the things you thought were periods, they turn out to be commas. There was never a full stop in any of it.”
From a 2012 interview with The Advocate on his gay fans:
“I have some good friends of my own who happen to be gay, and when it comes to gay, straight, or whatever, I’m for anything life-affirmative. I’m for gay power, straight power, male power, female power; everybody should feel empowered without oppressing anyone who’s different.”
From an interview with Men’s Health, about creepin’.
“A creep is someone who claims he’s one thing but he’s actually another.”
“We have a big appetite for putting people down but, at the heart of everyone, there’s enough room for all of us to succeed.”
From a 2008 interview with Metro:
“When I see grace in a woman, that’s very sexy. You can tell by how someone moves or their rhythm.”
From his profile in Esquire, on egos:
“My number one thing? Don’t overleverage yourself. Don’t say you can do something when you really can’t.”
From an interview with Details
“Good ideas are free - or at least they should be.”
Thanking himself after accepted the Best Actor award for The Dallas Buyers Club:
“You know [who my hero] is? It’s me in 10 years. So I turned 25. Ten years later, that same person comes to me and says, ‘So, are you a hero?’ And I was like, ‘not even close. No, no, no.’ She said, ‘Why?’ I said, ‘Because my hero’s me at 35.’ So you see every day, every week, every month and every year of my life, my hero’s always 10 years away. I’m never gonna be my hero. I’m not gonna attain that. I know I’m not, and that’s just fine with me because that keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing.”
From his interview in Details:
“The best advice comes from people who don’t give advice.”
From a 2006 interview with ContactMusic:
“I love Los Angeles, and it’s been very good to me, but if everyone is running around telling the stories, who’s living them? You don’t play characters that are celebrities — you play guys who know what to do when their septic tank’s blocked.”
“I’ve never been a manipulator, even in my bachelor days. I never wanted to do things to people that could catch up with me later on.”
From an interview with Men’s Health, on public persona:
“There are certain nights you and your image just aren’t in the same bed.”
According to an interview with the Associated Press, on the paparazzi:
“Cameras aren’t guns — they really can’t hurt you.”