11-Year-Old Dances To "All About That Bass"

Dance moves can destroy you, and if you need proof, look no further than 11-year-old Taylor Hatala's dance to Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass" (remixed, obvs.) When I say "destroy", I mean it in a good way; I've watched this video no less than seven times in a row and I'm still absolutely blown away by her dexterity and poise. I mean, I am a person who can't make their arms and legs do different things simultaneously, so choreographed dancing always makes me feel both ashamed at myself, and rapt with the glory of a truly capable human body.
The wonderful thing about Taylor is that she brings equal amounts of attitude and cuteness to her routine, managing to keep the whole thing incredibly age appropriate even though she's dancing to a song about how boys like girls with giant asses. Likewise, she's equally as incredible in her "Anaconda" routine, in which there isn't even a smidgeon of simulated butt sex (she's 11, so thank god.) One of the things I love most about Taylor dancing is how her choreographer, Matt Steffanina, dancing a few steps behind her, is also in awe of the tiny lady's awesome skill. The girl is only eleven and I feel like you could put her in Beyonce's team of dancers and she'd put them to shame. She's the dancing equivalent of a child genius who graduates college before they hit puberty. GO TAYLOR! Watch her dancing below, and prepare to wrap your mind around the mind-blogging awesomeness of this very confident little girl.
Image: YouTube