His Celeb Makeup Transformations Are Amazing

Celebrity impersonations have come a long way since Rizzo put on a blonde wig and sang “Sandra Dee” around her bedroom. Nowadays, pretty much anyone with an iPhone, makeup, and tons of creativity can Insta their best #makeuptransformation selfies. The newest impersonator? Filipino TV personality Paolo Ballesteros created DIY celeb makeovers that are good. Like, really good. With a few wings and lots of lipstick, Ballesteros has transformed himself into spitting images of Ariana Grande, Julie Roberts, and Taylor Swift.
The trend has been popular on Instagram for quite a while now. Why? Because it’s pretty cool and — if you don’t know a thing about makeup or don’t want to take yourself too seriously — pretty easy. We are in the DIY age, after all. Who doesn’t want to see twin kiddos in matching suits or a makeup artist who's re-created everyone from Beyoncé to Pharrell? You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do for those favorites.
Of course, Ballesteros isn’t the one who’s given us scary good #makeuptransformatioselfies. French makeup artist Magali Beauvue blew us away earlier this year with her Rihanna and Kerry Washington impersonations. They obviously all have talent, so what’s the best way to compare all these makeovers? I put a few Miley’s face-to-face (it’s punny, because faces) and ranked who pulled off the "Wrecking Ball" look the best.
4. Paola Ballesteros
His impersonations of Katy Perry and Ariana Grande were spot on, but Miley's not pochoy_29's best look. He's nailed the red lips and blue eyes, but the hair is WAY too big for the real Miley. And let's face it: She'd have much more badass facial expressions. Still though, well done sir.
3. Carly Page
Props Carly for wearing exactly what Miley wore in the video (which would be nothing) and holding a hammer. She'd get bonus points if she actually stuck her tongue out.
2. Liam Martin
The black dress. The stare. THE SPAGHETTI. Fabulous.
1. Vanessa Bayer
The queen of Miley impersonations. She started back in 2010 when good-girl Cyrus graced our Disney Channel screens. From the smile to the voice and facial expressions, she owns it all.
Images: carlypagemakeup/Facebook