16 Kim Kardashian Look-Alikes Because This Is a Trend That Just Won't Stop — PHOTOS
The latest person to be dubbed Kim Kardashian's twin by the media is Mariana Hewitt, who was photographed with Michael Strahan on Monday. This is hardly the first time a quasi-normal has made headlines for looking like Kardashian. Who could forget the British Kim Kardashian look-alike who went into debt to look like the reality star? How about the infamous Old Navy Kim Kardashian, or the alleged Mexican drug cartel boss who bore a striking Kim-semblance?
Really though, it seems like every other person with brown hair, cat-eye makeup, and a penchant for selfies draws a Kim komparison. Here are 16 Kim Kardashian look-alikes who have garnered attention for kinda, sorta looking like Kimye's female half.
Claire Leeson
Oh hayy! Remember her? This civilian sent nearly $30K on plastic surgery procedures to look like Kim K, went into serious debt, and made us all super depressed.
Image: Claire Leeson/ Instagram
Lilit Avagyan
When Reggie Bush married Lilit Avagyan back in July, it was widely speculated that Bush’s new wife was a doppelgänger of his ex. I mean, everyone has a type.
Image: Lilit Avagyan/ Instagram
Claudia Ochoa Felix
Claudia Ochoa Felix was dubbed ”Mexico’s Kim Kardashian look-alike assassin” by news outlets like The Daily Beast and The Mirror after posting picture of herself holding an AK-47 in to her Twitter back in June. She later removed the picture, denying rumors that she was the head of the Mexican cartel murder gang "Los Ántrax." This parallel is a bit of a stretch in my book, but the idea of a Kim Kardashian cartel kingpin a la Don Eladio in Breaking Bad makes up for the thin connection.
Image: Claudia Ochoa Felix/ Facebook
Melissa Molinaro aka Old Navy Kim
Who could forget Melissa Molinaro the unlicensed Kim K stand-in from that Old Navy Commercial? Kardashian was so struck by her resemblance that she sued the apparel brand for nearly $20 million in compensatory damages in 2011. Fun times!
Image: Melissa Molinaro/ Instagram
Nicole Scherzinger
It’s been said that Scherzinger bares a resemblance to Kim by E! Online. I can see it well, sorta, if I like, squint my eyes.
Sandy Raquel
Model Sandy Raquel appeared in French Montana’s video for the single
“Don’t Panic”, after which folks from The Daily Mail noticed a resemblance to Kim. Erm, maybe.
Image: mtnzhbic/Instagram
The Professional Kim K Look-alike
This woman, who shall remain nameless because I couldn’t find her name, launched KimKardashianLookAlike.com and makes her living as a Kim Kardashian impersonator. You can hire her for parties.
Image: Kim K Lookalike/Facebook
Jessenia Vice
Tyra Banks hosted a Kim Kardashian look-alike contest on her bygone talk show back in 2009. Kardashian and Banks crowned Jessenia Vice the ultimate winner. Little did she know that her title would be usurped a thousand times over by the Internet.
Image: Jessenia Vice/Instagram
Metisha LaRocca
At Miami Art Basel 2011, Metisha LaRocca won Dis Magazine’s "Kim Kardashian Look-Alike Kontest." Hey, why not?
Image: Metisha/ Instagram
Naya Rivera
For some time there, people of the Internet were trolling Naya Rivera pretty hard, saying that the Glee actress was trying to look like Kim K in her selfies.
Image: Naya Rivera/Instagram
Mony Monn
Model Mony Monn was allegedly involved in an elaborate ruse to bury a rumored Kanye/Kim sex tape. According to Perez Hilton, Monn was reportedly paid off to pretend she was the one featured in the supposed video. Points for committing to the character!
Image: Mony_Monn/Instagram
Claudia Sampedro
My Nuvo TV dubbed model Claudia Sampedro one of the top three Kim look-alikes. Just a tidbit about Sampedro, she also reportedly dated Reggie Bush.
Image: Claudia Sampedro/ Instagram
Milana Aslani
According to the Daily Mail, aspiring model and blogger Milana Aslani thinks that her resemblance to Kardashian sabotaged her reality TV career. Claiming to be mistaken for Kardashian regularly by paparazzi and civilians, Aslani seems to believe that comparisons to the star have stunted opportunities. Luckily, she has a book about dog treats coming out, so that’ll keep her busy.
Image: Milana Aslani/Instagram
Georgia Salpa
According to Global Grind, model Georgia Salpa is mistaken for Kim’s twin sister, like, all the time, proving that all you need to be compared to Kim Kardashian is some cat eye makeup, dark hair, and a vaguely olive complexion, and a kissy face expression.
Image: Georgia Salpa/Instagram
Chantel Jeffries
Wonderwall insinuated that the young lady who was reportedly found with Justin Bieber on the night of his DUI arrest, Chantel Jeffries bears a resemblance to Kardashian. Meh, kinda.
Image: Chantel Jeffries
Mariana Hewitt
Even if she’s pretty close to Kim’s dead-ringer, M
ichael Strahan’s casual date partner is just the Kim K of the week.
Image: Mariana Hewitt/ Instagram