
Her Wedding Instagram Beats All Other #TBT Photos

by Erin Mayer

MObama is not only the First Lady of the United States, she's also the First Lady of the Killer Throwback. On Friday, October 3rd, Michelle Obama posted a wedding Instagram to celebrate her 22nd anniversary with the President. Since she's the First Lady, we can forgive her for being a day late for #TBT. Naturally, her wedding dress game was out of control. And this was 22 years ago, when things were allowed to be tacky! The picture looks like it could have been taken today, right down to the fact that FLOTUS has somehow not aged a day in over two decades.

Here's what I've gleaned about her wedding outfit from the photo, which is unfortunately taken from the torso upward so we can't see the whole dress: MObama wore her hair in a sleek bun with a long veil (classic) with some suspiciously modern-looking chandelier earrings that you could easily find a knock-off of on BaubleBar. Her dress appears to be long-sleeved (it was before her biceps were famous, guys) with a dramatic off-the-shoulder neckline that shows off some elegant as hell décolletage. Swoon.

As for the President, he doesn't look too bad himself! His suit is a tad bit more dated then FLOTUS's dress, but a good suit can withstand the test of time. Plus, he looks so happy that it doesn't really matter what he's wearing. Say what you will about Obama's politics, but you can't deny that he's one happily married man.

Just look at how cute they are! And, again, why don't they age??? It's actually sort of creepy.

Happy 22nd anniversary, First Couple!

Image: michelleobama/Instagram