James Franco Quote or Lana Del Rey Musing: Can You Tell the Difference?
From their work to their sound bites, Lana Del Rey and James Franco have a lot of the same thoughts. Both are stylishly disillusioned with their own celebrity. Both are fascinated with the romance of wasted youth. Both have the tortured souls of artists. When they hang out, they likely finish each others’ coolly apathetic sentences through puffs of French cigarettes. After all, they are best friends.
To even to the most zealous fan, a Lana Del Rey aphorism and a James Franco epigram aren’t easy to tell apart. So, I challenge you. Can you tell the Lana Del Rey quote from the James Franco quote? Click through to test your knowledge.
Image: James Franco/Instagram
Franco or Del Rey?
“You know what makes you stronger? When people treat you and your art with dignity.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
Lana Del Rey
This nugget of wisdom is all Lana, although I’m sure Franco would totally put this statement on a bumper sticker.
Franco or Del Rey?
“In my first two years of high school I got into a lot of trouble with the police for minor things: graffiti, stealing, crashing cars. It was teen angst. I was uncomfortable in my own skin.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
Franco or Del Rey?
“I’ve always written. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been good at. It’s not difficult, like math.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
Lana Del Rey
Lana wants you to know that she totally doesn’t try that hard.
Franco or Del Rey?
“The masks are just as important as the reality. The masks are our reality. Everyone’s reality. Life is a performance.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
James Franco
If you recall Franco’s supposedly fictional short story ”Bungalow 89,” (which is totally about the carnivorous nature of fame and definitely not about Lindsay Lohan trying to sleep with him) this line makes perfect sense in context.
Franco or Del Rey?
“There’s some reason why I can’t sit still. Every waking moment I feel so unfulfilled.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
Lana Del Rey
These lyrics from Lana Del Rey’s ”Bad Disease“ really echo her whole, ”fame is an existential void“ ethos.
Franco or Del Rey?
“And he was immortal. Immortally young; immortally sex.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
James Franco
Yet another choice line of prose from ”Bungalow 89.” In this thought the James Franco character, erm, I mean, the narrator reflects on a billboard of himself. Totally sounds like the V/O intro to a Del Rey video though, doesn’t it?
Franco or Del Rey?
“My clothes still smell like you and all the photographs say that we’re still young.”
Image: James Franco/ Instagram
Lana Del Rey
Aha, fooled ya! This is a line from Lana Del Rey’s Body Electric. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was straight out of Palo Alto .