Matthew McConaughey's Skinny, Jared Leto's In Drag

In Dallas Buyers Club, no one looks like themselves. Matthew McConaughey — typically the picture of tan, well-built health — lost a reported 50 pounds to play Ron Woodruff, an electrician from Texas who is shocked by his HIV diagnosis in the 1980s. And while beautiful man Jared Leto is just as beautiful in Dallas Buyers Club, this time around, he's beautiful as a woman, playing drag queen Rayon.
Which means, of course, that Dallas Buyers Club, is perfect Oscar bait — not only does its actors make transformations that would make the likes of Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman jealous, but the movie is based on a true story of Woodruff, who goes on search for alternative medicine after hospitals fail him and other AIDS sufferers.
AIDS and drugs — based purely on the description, Dallas Buyers Club doesn't seem like the happiest film ever put on screen. But the trailer for the movie, which also stars Jennifer Garner — she of heartwarming fare like Juno and The Odd Life of Timothy Green — makes Dallas Buyers Club seem similarly touching. And all this adds up to good things for its star, McConaughey. Especially after the actor was so wrongly snubbed for Magic Mike.
Watch him work his magic in the Dallas Buyers Club trailer below, and when the film hits theaters Nov. 1.
And wonder why it is that you could never look as pretty as this:
Images: Focus Features