Want To Carry Your Dog Around Like This?

If you ever daydreamed about being the mogul of your very own business and thought, "hey I have a great idea," you've probably Googled "how to get on ABC's Shark Tank ." Television's realest reality show (lets not forget the Sharks put down their own money to invest) attracts a bevy of pitches from the inspirational to the eccentric. Heart Pup, the personal puppy sling, lies somewhere in between.
I want to make sure you heard that. It is a personal sling for PUPPIES. The pictures on the site alone are enough to melt your heart and make you want to adopt a zillion dogs. Honestly, this product is a pretty perfect pitch for the Tank. It's got Home Shopping Network potential, plus there is totally a retail market for it, everywhere from brick and mortar stores to trendy boutiques. For now, you can buy Heart Pup's dog carriers and harnesses on its website, which is currently having a special Shark Tank one-week-only sale, so what are you waiting for?
I have to say, as a citizen of the "tiny dogs in purses" capital of the world, Los Angeles, it's pretty exciting to see a product that will help dog owners responsibly lug their little pups around, instead of smothering the poor guys in their handbags like a forgotten Paris Hilton pet. So what's the scoop on Heart Pup? Here's everything you need to know.
The Owner Has a Pet Boutique
The one-name only "Anastasia" is the mastermind behind the behind Heart Pup. She specializes in fashionable dog accessories. Her famous product, the Scarf Sling, doubles as a luxe scarf when not occupied by your pet, and it's made of Italian cashmere wool to boot. So there is a total "treat yo self" angle to the product. It's not just a gift for you dog, it's a gift for you too!
A lot of thought went into the sling's engineering. Much like baby slings, it's important for the composition to be secure, safe, and comfortable for both wearer and rider. The weight is evenly distributed along the back and shoulders so the wearer is not fatigued, nor is the dog stressed while sitting in it. Plus, it includes a pocket that you can tuck your cell phone, keys, or leash into, so it can double as your purse.
Seriously. Follow them. Follow them now. The only thing cuter than the slings themselves are these photos of the slings in action.
If you love cute pups and indulging in a little fashion blogger photo spread action, the Heart Pup Instagram feed is the last one you'll ever need.
Because sometimes your furry friend isn't just your pal, he's your style icon (and the dogs pictured are totally Vogue-ing it).