'TVD' Season 6 Premiere Theories Based On "I'll Remember" Stills
It's almost time, Vampire Diaries fans, so wipe your tears from the Season 5 finale away and get ready for what's coming. The Vampire Diaries Season 6 will premiere on Oct. 2 and the stills from "I'll Remember," aren't holding anything back. Well, except for what Elena and Stefan are up to. The CW released 11 photos from TVD 's Season 6 premiere that can basically assure you that the new season isn't going to spend too much time letting fans and its characters grieve over Damon and Bonnie's deaths. We already know that there's a four-month time-jump preceding the premiere, but I'm so not over Damon's death just yet.
Regardless, TVD Season 6's premiere seems like it'll take off running towards finding a solution to the "death problem" from Season 5. (That's what I call it — detachment is key here, people.) So, what exactly do these photos mean for the premiere? Of course, I have theories.
Image: Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW
Theory #1: Tyler Thinks Luke Has The Answers
Look, everyone gets it — Tyler spent the better part of Season 5 possessed by a Traveler and then TVD killed him. Only to bring him back an angsty human who’s still got an anger problem because he’s still got the werewolf gene even though he’s human again.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #1: Tyler Thinks Luke Has The Answers
In Season 5, TVD introduced Luke and Liv, the brother-sister witch duo that basically just caused trouble for everyone all season but were also really powerful witches. But with Bonnie gone and the original crew’s link to magic severed, it’s natural that Tyler would think that Luke had the answers to the issue of bringing Damon and Bonnie back from wherever they were zapped to in the Season 5 finale. It’s a plausible assumption and it’s clear that Tyler won’t believe Luke when he tells him that there’s nothing he can do. And instead try to force Luke into helping them get their friends back.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #2: Tyler Could Trigger The Werewolf Gene Again
Again, Tyler’s got a lot of huge changes and deep shit going on. And if he’s unable to control his anger and actions, he’s going to set off the werewolf gene again. I’m actually willing to bet that Tyler will set off his werewolf gene again just because there’s only room for one human in Mystic Falls and that’s Matt Donovan.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #2: Tyler Could Trigger The Werewolf Gene Again
And he’s obviously going to need Alaric to keep him in line to prevent it from happening. Or to help him decide whether or not it’s worth it to go through that supernatural torture again.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #2: Tyler Could Trigger The Werewolf Gene Again
Obviously, Alaric stepping up and stopping Tyler from making a mistake is just going to piss Tyler off more. But it’s possible that, without Klaus to keep Tyler motivated, Alaric’s going to have to step up to fill the position. Tyler’s never actually been able to function on his own as a supernatural being or as a human, but Alaric will be the most stable leader he’s had yet.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #3: Alaric Could Appeal To Luke
On the flip side, where Tyler might fail to get Luke to cooperate with their cause, Alaric could succeed. First of all, he’s an adult and he’s able to control himself these days and second, because he’s far more informed than Tyler. Later photos suggest that Alaric’s been looking into early witchcraft himself and that’ll obviously work to his advantage when dealing with Luke.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #4: We Might Be Meeting Alaric's New Love Interest, But That Isn't Necessarily Good
Let me just put this out there that Alaric has never, ever had a relationship end well. Isobel left him to become a vampire, Aunt Jenna was killed, and Meredith was just a straight-up terrible doctor in Mystic Falls. It also doesn’t feel like it’s a good sign that Alaric is meeting Jo, a doctor from the Whitmore College hospital, at this point following his return.
We all know what “doctors” at Whitmore moonlight as and if Alaric’s condition is something of a legend these days, he’s in danger.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #5: Matt Donovan Is Still Just Matt Donovan
God, I was really hoping for Matt Donovan to have something going for him in Season 6. But as far as the synopsis for the premiere and this photo are concerned, he’s just the same, old, human Matt who’s been tasked with picking up Jeremy’s pieces. Well, and who’s taken up jogging.
Someone needs to cut him a break already.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #6: Alaric & Caroline Are The Only Sane Ones Left
Everyone’s hitting a wall here — Tyler’s fighting, Elena’s depressed, Stefan’s MIA, and Jeremy’s self-destructing. Aside from Matt who’s human, Caroline and Alaric are the only two, sane supernatural beings left of the original crew. So, while they might be meeting to discuss Elena’s fall to the dark side, it’s also very possible that they’ve decided to take the “death problem” into their own hands.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #6: Alaric & Caroline Are The Only Sane Ones Left
If you look closely at the title of the book that’s off the pile, it reads, “Ancient Witchcraft.” Which is a clear spoiler that Alaric and Caroline are working towards figuring out one of two huge problems facing TVD Season 6 — or both, of course.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW
Theory #6: Alaric & Caroline Are The Only Sane Ones Left
Of course, I’m not assuming that “Ancient Witchcraft” will hold the exact answer to the problem, but it absolutely could shed light on the Travelers’ magic and/or what happened to The Other Side and where it might have taken Damon and Bonnie. If Stefan’s not really looking for answers and has essentially become a deserter, it’s a good sign that Caroline and Alaric are moving forward without him and Elena.
I might actually trust them more with rescuing Damon and Bonnie than those two erratic, emotional beings anyway.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW