'Big Brother's Donny Has Some Exciting News

Donny Thompson might not have been the winner of Big Brother Season 16, but he might as well have been. After all, Donny was one of the three members of the Team America alliance, even though the other two members of the alliance eventually betrayed him and sent him home. Donny was also voted the winner of America's Favorite Houseguest over Zach Rance and Nicole Franzel, which ironically meant that Donny won more money than second place winner Cody Calafiore. Finally, Donny announced that he is now engaged to his girlfriend, Kristine Bartley, and that's his most important victory of the summer.
"Kristine is no longer my girlfriend. She is my fiancee," Donny proudly announced at the end of his interview with Breaking News Journal on Vimeo. Sadly, he didn't give any further details about the engagement, like how he proposed or whether she cried or what the ring looks like, but that's all right. The important thing is that it happened and, quite honestly, it feels like it was a long time in coming. We might have only met Donny and Kristine on Big Brother Season 16, but you could tell from the way that they talked about each other that the two of them were very deeply in love.
According to an interview that Kristine did with Bustle, she and Donny met as co-workers before going on their first date to a NASCAR race. Her support of his time on Big Brother was evident in the fact that she helped him film his audition tape and was his gym buddy so he could get into shape for the season. Even better, it's easy to guess that Donny has been thinking about proposing to Kristine all during Big Brother. How can I draw that conclusion? Well, think of how many times during his diary room videos that Donny mentioned how much older he was than everybody else in the house.
With all of those "young folk" flirting with each other and starting showmances, kind-hearted Donny must have been missing his girlfriend-turned-fiancée something fierce. We might have watched him come to the decision to propose during Big Brother and never even noticed until now. After all, as the finale episode of Season 16 showed, Donny spent a lot of time by himself doing little else but thinking. If there's one thing we can say for certain, however, it's that Donny and Kristine are the cutest couple ever and they're sure to be very happy together.
Check out the full interview about Donny's time on Big Brother and his engagement below.
Image: CBS; Kristine Bartley