Janel & Val Are Basically Maks & Meryl on 'DWTS' — And Here's Why
Aside from the obvious fact that Dancing With the Stars pros Val and Maks Chmerkovskiy are pretty much the greatest-looking brothers around, they also ended up with equally hot partners that the media can't get enough of. When the first DWTS episode aired this season, fans were raving about the shows hottest new DWTS couple that is Val and Janel Parrish, formerly of Pretty Little Liars fame. Whether they are dating or not, the dancing couple's got some serious chemistry on the floor it's really starting to look like Janel and Val are the new Maks and Meryl. They haven't got the mirror ball trophy yet, but because of the parallel to Maks and Meryl, I'm thinking it's safe to call them out on being the couple to watch this season. And here's why...
Image: Adam Taylor/ABC
They've got all the right moves.
When Maks and Meryl won Season 18, it was partly because we fell in love with them obviously being in “love.” But it’s also no secret that that girl can absolutely dance. Maybe it was the chemistry that did it, or maybe Maks is just that good of a teacher, but the mirror ball wasn’t strictly from our want for the mushy stuff — it also came from talent. We’re only in the third week of competition, but I think Janel proved from day one that she has the talent to win this thing. And let’s be honest, Val has the motivation and competitive edge to get her there.
They look damn cute together.
If there’s one thing we love on DWTS
, it’s a couple that could basically give Brad and Angelina a run for their money. Janelskiy and Maksyl most definitely have the hot factor in common. Plus, on both sides, there’s a lot of beauty going around.
Image: Janel Parrish/Instagram
The Paparazzi love to ship them.
Whether any of the four have actually gotten together doesn’t really matter, because a paparazzi’s camera is always going to assume. Janelskiy was getting paparazzi’d from day one and they actually seem to love it. So what if Janel already has a boyfriend and would never actually get with Val — a girl can dream, right? Thank you, paparazzi, for keeping our fantasies alive.
They have chemistry on and off set.
Chemistry is absolutely key in mobilizing fans to vote for DWTS couples. There is something so hot about the way a guy dances with a girl, like she’s the only other person in the room. Without chemistry, a dance is just a dance. But that is just never going to be the case for Janelskiy and Maksyl. The chemistry between both couples in and out of the ballroom is undeniable, to say the least.
They have fun at rehearsal.
Things I love include actual photographic evidence that the couples have a good time together off screen. Half the battle of winning over your fans on this show is having an entertaining backstage reel to prove your team’s the best. If the cute couple names weren’t enough, the photo and video proof should surely do the trick.
Image: Janel Parrish/Instagram
...And get lunch together.
Just like Val and Janel spend time together in between rehearsals, Maksyl’s relationship is still going strong after their victory. Both Instagram accounts reveal lunch dates and trips back to the ballroom to cheer on their friends. Seeing the Janelskiy chemistry so far, it’s hard to believe the two would stop seeing each other once the season ends.
Image: Maks Chmerkovskiy/Instagram
...and Instagram it.
Nothing makes me root for a couple more than feeling like I’m in a committed relationship with their Instagrams and tweets. In this case, neither couple can help but document their cute candid moments and endless selfies.
Image: Maks Chmerkovskiy/Instagram
...a lot
And thank God for that! The duo has been sharing ABC’s rehearsal pics on their social media and my heart flutters for these classic Instas.
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC
And finally, they've got that mirror ball in the bag.
Val is working his booty off to make sure he isn’t being overshadowed by his brother. The equally talented Ukranian dance pro is determined to make his own experiences on the show, so it’s his turn to take the spotlight. Val already admitted he and Janel have a natural chemistry about them and he’s convinced it will blossom into something amazing. A Mirror Ball, perhaps? Janel certainly has the talent and the fans and it’s officially little brother’s turn to shine.