The Final 'Parenthood' Season Needs To Reunite Joel & Julia & Tie Up These 6 Other Loose Ends
This can't be it. Guys, tell me one of the best dramas on television, Parenthood, isn't ending after six seasons. When we last left the Bravermans, a lot of changes were happening. Zeek and Camille sell their home and finally start treating each other as equals in their relationship; Julia and Joel adopt Victor and there's a flicker of hope for their reunion; Amber finally lets Ryan go; and Sarah reunites with Hank. But there are so many questions that still need to be answered before the final credits roll...
Image: Colleen Hayes/NBC
If Amber's Pregnant, Does That Mean Ryan Is Back?
Here’s the deal: I genuinely hope Amber is not the pregnant Braverman. She’s dealt with so much already and she’s already said goodbye to Ryan. It’s just not fair. But it seems more and more obvious that Amber is with child. And if she is, I need to know whether or not that means her toxic relationship with Ryan is back too.
Image: Colleen Hayes/NBC
Are Sarah And Hank Endgame?
Sarah has found happiness with Hank for the moment, despite his late-stage diagnosis of Asperger’s. But that doesn’t mean the couple will necessarily end up together. We will see Hank’s ex-wife in Season 6 and when we couple that with the fact that Sarah will be helping Amber through her possible pregnancy, things could get complicated. Could it break them up? Dear god, I hope not. I know it’s too much to ask that every single Braverman and their families all get a happy ending. But I still want it.
Image: Paul Drinkwater/NBC
Will Zeek Make it?
As much as I hated this possible spoiler when I first heard it, I’m getting more and more OK with Zeek potentially handing the torch over to Adam. Zeek dying would be tragic, but it would strengthen it as the most realistic depiction of family struggles on television and give the Bravermans one last reason to band together.
Image: Colleen Hayes/NBC
Will Kristina & Adam's School Be A Success?
After losing the mayoral race, Kristina really deserves a win to help her make positive change in her community. The school is definitely exactly what she needs to do this. I just genuinely hope that the show realizes how difficult creating a school really is and doesn’t shy away from showing that struggle. It will make the triumph of running a successful school that much more rewarding.
Image: Colleen Hayes/NBC
Is Crosby Maturing For Good?
Listen, I love Crosby. He makes the series so much better every single episode. He makes us laugh and he has some emotionally intense moments as well. Crosby has grown quite a lot since Jasmine turned up at his boathouse with little Jabbar. So it would be nice to see Crosby become the man we all hoped he would be from the very beginning.
Image: Mitchell Haaseth/NBC
Will Joel & Julia Actually Divorce?
I can’t even comprehend any of the Braverman clan getting a divorce but this ending seems more and more likely for Julia and Joel. Please let me be wrong, Parenthood writers. Please find a way to bring this wonderful, yet complicated couple back together.
Image: Paul Drinkwater/NBC
Will Drew Forge His Own Path?
Drew needs to move past his high school drama. Other than his abortion storyline and his outburst at his dad, the series hasn’t really paid much attention to Drew over the years. I really want him to come into his own and really find his path that’s different than his mom’s or his sister’s. He’s a smart, great kid. He deserves to have a great moment in Parenthood’s final season.
Image: Colleen Hayes/NBC