11 Weirdest Halloween Costumes For Sale Online, Including Sexy Ewok, Sexy Deer, And One Terrifying Giant Baby
Everyone gets a little weird on Halloween. It's a holiday, there's alcohol involved, you get to dress up as your favorite character in a TV show... the possibilities are truly, terrifyingly endless. And just in case you haven't fully recognized just how bizarre the holiday can get, I invite you to take a look at the weirdest Halloween costumes available for sale online.
Because let me tell you, it gets freaky — fast. In theory, a giant baby or sexy ewok costume doesn't sound that scary (OK, the latter always sounds at least a little weird), but until you see the costumes for sale online, and realize that there are actual people in this world who are going to buy them, the real scariness of Halloween doesn't really hit you. So in honor of sexy Cat in the Hat costumes (a real thing) and the general bizarre black hole which is the Internet, here are 11 of the weirdest Halloween costumes for sale online right now. Er, happy shopping?
Sexy Ewok
I don’t really know where to begin with this, but I’d like to ask one question: How exactly does one still feel sexy while wearing a bright orange hood complete with furry ears? How?
Ewok Monster Fur Skirt, Ear Hood, And Bikini Top, $80,
Sexy Cat In The Hat
Must we sexualize a children’s book? MUST WE?
Cat in the Hat Dress Adult Women’s Costume, $49.99,
A Flag
Just in case you’re considering “slightly sexy Canadian flag” as a costume option this year, it’s out there.
Canada Flag Dress, $34.99,
Complete with a tiny octopus hat. Naturally.
Ornate Octopus Costume, $69.99,
Betty Bondage
If you need me, I’ll be rinsing my eyes out with soap. Thanks.
Betty Bondage Costume, $44.99,
Life-Size Kermit
Literally the scariest thing I have ever seen. Really. I will have nightmares.
The Muppets Kermit the Frog Costume, $49.99,
Giant Boob
“I know, guys, a GIANT BOOB costume!”
Giant Boob Adult Unisex Costume, $34.99,
Sexy Candy Corn
Someone tried to make maybe the LEAST sexy candy sexy. Ah, the power of Halloween…
Adult Tutu Candy Corn Costume, $42,