Halloween is right around the corner, and if you are not big on putting together or spending and splurging on elaborate costumes, you can still enjoy all the fun, the looks, and the playfulness of the season thanks to a little thing called Halloween makeup. No need to find some crazy costume when you can use products already in your makeup bag to create artistic, amazing, and totally creepy, beautiful looks for all the Halloween parties on your calendar. Yes, easy Halloween makeup looks do exist. Muahahaha!
There is a wealth of simple tutorials on YouTube that teach you how to create Halloween-ready styles, so being a witch for Halloween is not your only option. Unless, of course, you want to to be wicked.
Wanna be a creepy Barbie Doll? A Bloody Mary with a sewn up and stitched-on mouth? An alluring kitty cat? A sexy vampire? All of those are options. You'll never believe how easy it is to transform yourself with just a little bit of makeup (OK, maybe a lot of makeup), using products you probably already own.
All of these tutorials are pretty simple and easy to follow, and they offer lots of guidance and detail, thereby erasing the stress of what to do and what to wear to a costume party. Don't waste money or get stuck with a basic bitch costume. Play around and show off your creative side.
1. Creepy Barbie Doll
This mini makeup maven boasts ponytails and long, white nails that make me think she is an Arianator who lurves Ariana Grande. Even though our instructor here is young, she does a great job and probably has a career in makeup artistry ahead of her. To do a creepy Barbie doll look, you need loads of white eyeliner for the eyes, and black liquid liner to create stitches and a sewn mouth. This is creepy and easy.
2. Bloody Mary
If you are a big Halloween buff who not only digs and appreciates the horror elements of the holiday, but also sees October 31 as an opportunity to indulge your passion for makeup artistry, you can do so with this Bloody Mary look. Paint your face with white and yellow powder and foundation, and then do red eye shadow rings around the eyes and intensify them with black shadow. I love how this artist speaks only in the voiceover. The tip about black eye shadow on the inner lips is amazing, too. You can be a dead bride, a dead bridesmaid, a dead celeb, a dead whatever.
3. Stretched And Sewn Lips
OMG!!! I, like, screamed watching this. I know it looks hard to recreate, but after watching this artisan do her thing, it seems surprisingly easy! Just follow the steps closely and practice in advance. She gives lots of good tips and guides, so pay attention.
4. Blingy Lips
Want lips that look like Dorothy's ruby slippers in The Wizard of Oz without having to do some crazy, overall costume look? All you need is some balm, red lipstick, gems that you can pick up on the cheap at a craft store, and tweezers. You will need tons of patience and time, though. Totally worth it when you see the end result!
5. Here, Kitty Kitty!
If you already favor smoky eyes or cat eyes in your regular life, then you can easily get turnt up like a kitty cat for Halloween with products that already live in your makeup bag. All you have to do is jazz up your nose and lips with eye products. This video shows you one unique way!
6. Meow, Part Deux
Here's another cat look, but this one is a bit fancier. This makeup artisan, since that's what she is, as the end result dictates, also looks very Ariana Grande-like. I think it's the ponytail. But seriously, this is so easy and nearly impossible to mess up. She holds your hand through it all.
7. Sexy and Scary Vampire
Move over, Bella. If you think a tried and true sexy vampire is a better match for that sparkle boy Edward Cullen, well, try out this makeup look that's both sexy and scary (scary sexy?). This look is about turnt up smoky eyes and an abundance of fake blood. Come on — it's Halloween. There's supposed to be fake blood.
8. Zombies Everywhere
I know, this appears way involved and complicated, but it's not. The key is making your face look like there is no bloodflow, since, you know, zombies are corpses and you need to look that way. The result is akin to Hollywood movie studio effects, but it was actually created in this makeup enthusiast's bedroom. Woot woot. The best thing about these looks is that they are meant to be messy, so you don't have to worry about cleaning up or fixing mistakes. In fact, mistakes actually enhance these Halloween styles.
9. Game On With Games Of Thrones
Daenerys from Game of Thrones should be a popular costume this year, and her makeup is soft, rosy, flushed, and therefore easy to recreate with some pink and orange tones via an illuminator, blush, lipstick, and a wig. Try it!
Image: Neil Conway/Flickr