You Know You Wanna Be Khaleesi for Halloween

If you're a Game of Thrones fan, then you're well aware of how freakin' fierce a Daenerys Targaryen Halloween costume would be. And if you have yet to discover the glory that is GoT, all you need to know is that Daenerys (or Dany), played by actress Emilia Clarke, is BFFs with a few dragons. Don't you want to have a dragon as a best friend? Yeah, thought so. Besides hanging with a few pretty fly fire breathers, she's also one of the strongest female characters on television right now, singlehandedly leading a massive army through the GoT universe to claim her seat on the Iron Throne. Casual.
Still, if all of that doesn't make you want to be Khaleesi for Halloween, then her amazing wardrobe will. GoT has had plenty of incredible outfits come down the line, like Margaery Tyrell's wedding dress (as well as her 10-foot-tall 'do) and Cersei's endless supply of embroidered gowns, but the ensembles that Daenerys gets to wear are the bomb.com. Usually with a touch of blue and some kind of cutout, she has the most interesting wardrobe on the show by far. Even Madonna couldn't resist dressing up as her. So, how are you going to become the Mother of Dragons for Halloween? I'll show you.

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Step 1: You're going to need a wig (or some really strong hair dye!)
Khaleesi is platinum blonde, and delicate braids are her signature. Whether you opt for something simple or something over the top, there are plenty of hair tutorials that can help you get the perfect style. As for the wig itself, you can get one for just $20 at most Halloween stores. Score.
Daenerys Targaryen Wig, $20, Amazon
Step 2: Pick up some dragons — plastic, stuffed, or the real thing (lol jk)
If you're going to go full-on Daenerys, you're going to need some lil dragon buddies hangin' out on your shoulder. If for some reason the rest of your costume looks suspect, they'll be a dead give away to who you're trying to impersonate. Pick up a soft and cuddly version to carry around with you, or get a few small plastic ones to stick onto your costume.
Pet Dragon, $17, Spirit Halloween
Step 3: Which of Daenerys' looks are you trying to rock?
Because she has quite a few! If you want to give your Game of Thrones all, Dany has tons of options for you to choose from. Her Dothraki look, above, can be achieved relatively simply with a tank top, skirt, some cream-colored fabric and a belt. Pick up a brown or tan tank top in a thicker material and rough it up a little by cutting the bottom of it into the shape of an inverted triangle, like so. If you're feeling a little self-conscious about baring that much skin, feel free to leave the tank as is! Just cut a few holes in it to make it seem like you've been riding on horseback through the desert all day. Buy enough cream fabric to wrap around your waist (any craft store should have some for way cheap), and secure it to the brown skirt with a belt. If you want to look extra ~rugged~ buy a brown maxi skirt and cut it to your desired length. Put it all together, and VOILA! Dothraki ready.
If you'd rather look a little more elegant while scarfing down candy corn, then a full-on dress is what you need. It doesn't necessarily have to be blue, but a pale, ice blue color is her signature, and will definitely help. Regardless, if you're not exactly sewing-savvy, you can get away with using a bed sheet. I know, I know. It doesn't sound legit. I promise, though, a light blue sheet + some gold details = Halloween badassery. Trust. All you have to do is wrap the sheet toga-style (there are plenty of tutorials out there that 1.) have zero sewing, and 2.) give you tons of options on straps and coverage), add a wide gold belt or piece of gold fabric (once again — hit up that A.C. Moore or Michaels, y'all), as well as some gold cuffs (Forever 21 has 5 trillion options for those, btw). A few metallic flash tattoos probably wouldn't hurt your look, either.
Gold Belt, $15, H&M; Gold Bangles, $6, Forever 21
Step 4: Walk into your Halloween party like you own the place
Repeat after me: I am Daenerys Targaryen. I am a bad bitch. I will win every Halloween costume contest on earth.
Images: HBO; Madonna/Instagram