8 Harry Potter Halloween Recipes So You Can Eat Like You're At Hogwarts
All of my problems can be traced back to my 11th birthday, when my parents left a wax-sealed Hogwarts acceptance letter in my mailbox. For half a second, I thought that Harry Potte r was real, and of course I was a wizard. In that moment, I decided exactly what I would pack (one pair of sneakers, my journal, maybe some dresses), and thought of all I would do once I got to Diagon Alley (buy candy, get an owl, maybe start an account at Gringotts Wizarding Bank). Then I found out it was all a joke and, well, devastation ensued.
I know I am not alone in wishing Hogwarts was real. Who wouldn't want to study magic at a beautiful boarding school in Scotland with like-minded magical peers and genius professors? Who wouldn't want to spend Christmas in that beautiful castle? Who wouldn't want to be on a real Quidditch team? But most importantly, who wouldn't want to eat that delicious food that materialized in the Great Hall? Only a mad man would say no.
Sorry, Muggles. You may not be headed to the world's most famous school of witchcraft and wizardry for this year's start-of-term feast, but there are a few ways to bring that magic home... to your dinner table, at least. Here are eight Hogwarts-worthy recipes so you can eat just like Harry Potter.
Pumpkin Juice
According to the Harry Potter lexicon, Hogwarts students very rarely drink water… you know, that substance we all need to survive. I don’t recommend copying their hydration habits, but it couldn’t hurt to incorporate more of that sweet, sweet pumpkin juice into your daily diet.
Pumpkin Juice 4-pack, $27.95,
Roast Chicken with Yams
The Hogwarts kitchens are always serving up combinations of meat and potatoes. Replicate that menu with this delicious roast chicken and yam recipe from Adventures in Cooking.
Image: Adventures in Cooking
YES. Butterbeer for everyone! This refreshing Butterbeer recipe is as perfect as any pint you’ll get from The Three Broomsticks.
Image: Fotolia
Twice Baked Potatoes
If baked potatoes are good enough for The Boy Who Lived, they’re good enough for me. Look no further than A Beautiful Mess for this enchanting recipe for twice baked potatoes, perfect for this time of year.
Image: A Beautiful Mess
Mint Humbugs
There are all sorts of strange candies in the wild world of Harry Potter, but one that’s often overlooked is the mint humbugs present at the Welcoming Feast. Hagrid himself kept a handful of these striped mint candies in his jacket, so obviously you should too.
Image: Fotolia
Yorkshire Pudding
Yorkshire pudding is an English dish made with eggs, flour, and milk, and usually served with meat and gravy. A staple at any Hogwarts feast, this recipe will have you feeling magical in no time.
Image: Fotolia
I don’t know much about crumpets, but I do know they’re not quite the same as those boring English muffins we Muggles usually eat. Try this recipe to find out why.
Image: Fotolia
Steak and Kidney Pie
If the Hogwarts house elves were here, I’d definitely be asking for their best steak and kidney pie recipe.
Image: Fotolia