
9 Alanis Songs That Are Perfect for a Rainy Day

by Caitlyn Callegari

I was a child in the 90's so, you know, it was pretty much sunshine, Warheads, Skip-its, and rainbows for me. Skinned knees and missing out on the last Baby Spice Barbie in stock were hardly points of distress. But apparently, for adolescents and adults alike, the 90's were a time of immense sadness and angst. So, so, so much angst. The turmoil must have seeped into the water supply and made it's home there, poisoning all those unfortunate, sensitive souls who drank from it. But, on the bright side, it gave us enough wonderfully cathartic music to last us ages. Canadian songstress and world class scorned ex-girlfriend, Alanis Morissette was at the forefront of the late 20th century blues.

But just because it isn't the 90's anymore, doesn't mean it can't be the 90's in your heart. Say, like on a rainy day when the weather is particularly gloomy and you feel a certain, particular kind of melancholia. One that can only be alleviated and commiserated by a soul whose discography is the equivalent to that of a rainy day. So, if it's raining outside or just in your heart, here are some Alanis songs to get you through things. Or pull you into your woeful mood further. Whichever you prefer.


This is the song you listen to if you want the hairs on the back of your neck to stand at attention.


Oh yeah, rain makes me REAL mad.


*Shrugs* What's that thing about Murphy's Law?


Time to curl up in a ball and let Alanis explain the world to me.


No, thank u for this tune Alanis.


She can be uplifting! Sorta...


You most certainly do.


Just light a few candles and lay there.


Something to bring you out of your infinite misery... slightly.