Let me preface this by saying that this is simultaneously the best and weirdest Hollywood fact I have ever heard. So prepare yourselves: During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live!, Bill Hader revealed that he was once Arnold Schwarzenegger's personal assistant, way back in the day when the Terminator was filming 2002's Collateral Damage. Yep — Bill Hader, SNL veteran and overall awesome comedian, once worked for Schwarzenegger, the Terminator, the Governator. And the best part about it all? He's got some insane stories about the guy.
So of course, like any good television show host, WWHL's Andy Cohen had to ask him all about it.
Amongst the weirder facts, Hader revealed that Schwarzenegger had Schnitzel flown in to snack on during the film, and he would be mad if you took him away from his chess game. But the weirdest/grossest one came when Hader revealed Schwarzenegger's worst pickup line — one so bad, that it's probably the worst pickup line in the history of pick-up lines.
"Come back to my hotel room. I like how my d-ck looks in your tiny hands," [Hader] said with a laugh. Hader added: "And she had huge hands!"
There are not enough cringing GIFs in the world to properly react to how bad that is. Check out the clip of Hader's interview below.

Image: TheBerry