7 Things Paris Hilton's New Dog Is Probably Smaller Than — PHOTOS
Breaking, very important news: Paris Hilton has a new dog, and he is officially The Cutest Thing Ever™. Meet Mr. Amazing, the world's smallest Pomeranian. Reportedly, 5-month-old Mr. Amazing weighs only 11.6 ounces and is only 2.5 inches tall. HE'S TWO. INCHES. TALL!!! The cuteness meter has been shattered by a whole new level of preciousness. This dog is just unreal. Those giant eyes! The fluffiness! AAAAaaahhhhhh!! Mr. Amazing is being flown in from a specialty breeder and he will probably be very famous on Instagram very soon.
TMZ reports that Mr. Amazing is en route to Los Angeles, where he will likely find a home in Hilton's purse or luxury dog house. He is so impossibly small that I don't even know how he goes about his daily life.
Just to emphasize how ridiculously tiny Mr. Amazing really is, here are a few things that are definitely (probably, possibly) bigger than Hilton's new puppy.
Images: Paris Hilton/Instagram; Kim Kardashian/Instagram; Cara Delevingne/Instagram; Miley Cyrus/Instagram; Lady Gaga/Instagram; Lindsay Lohan/Instagram; Lily Allen/Instagram
Kim Kardashian's engagement ring.
It’s HUGE.
Baby North West
Definitely bigger.
One of Cara Delevingne's eyebrows.
Her spectacular, lustrous eyebrows.
Miley Cyrus' tongue.
It’s a close call.
Lady Gaga's hair.
One of Lindsay Lohan's freckles.
Mr. Amazing is just a giant freckle of cuteness.
This koala on Lily Allen's head.