Raven-Symone's 19 Best Facial Expressions, From "LOL" to "Judging You"
If you were a Disney Channel kid, you already know that That's So Raven was the height of tween comedy. And while the supporting cast was hysterical in their own right (particularly Kyle Massey as Raven's scheming younger brother, Corey) it was actress Raven-Symoné's show. And why not? Raven-Symoné is a brilliant comedian with impeccable timing, not to mention the world's greatest facial expressions. Though the actress hasn't starred on her own series since 2011's State of Georgia (someone please give this woman a new show!) she hasn't stopped giving us amazing face.
Check out these fantastic photos of Raven-Symoné's goofiest expressions.
Exhibit A
Raven-Symoné’s eyebrows say all the things she doesn’t.
Exhibit B
Finally, someone is taking winning an orange blimp as the honor it is.
Exhibit C
And now, the happy tears.
Exhibit D
Obsessed with the hair and the sassy facial expression.
Exhibit E
“Fascinating story! Please tell it again!”
Exhibit F
Proof that Raven-Symoné might also be a psychic.
Exhibit H
How LOL actually looks in real life.
Exhibit I
So much eyebrow game right here.
Exhibit J
This is her “I’m deciding whether or not to laugh at that awkward joke” look.
Exhibit K
Her “overwhelmed by the red carpet and cannot control the laughter” look.
Exhibit L
“I don’t get the joke.”
Exhibit M
This is her “too shocked to move” face.
Exhibit N
Silently judging you.
Exhibit O
Amazing ombré and perfect side eye.
Exhibit P
Blowing a kiss.
Exhibit Q
Her “I think I lost my hair clip” look.
Exhibit R
Palling around with her alleged girlfriend AzMarie Livingston.
Exhibit S
Unclear if she’s watching something above her or is in the middle of an eye roll. Either way, it’s perfect.