See Josh Hutcherson Go Jesse Pinkman

The long ramp-up to the release of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 has included a lot more Peeta than it has Katniss. This is a bit ironic, considering Peeta's not in much of the first half of Mockingjay. It also makes for a great jumping-off point into Josh Hutcherson's next not- Hunger Games project: Escobar: Paradise Lost, in which Hutcherson's character goes on a journey from sweet paramour to man-mixed-up-in-violence-much-bigger-than-himself in two minutes or less. Poor guy just can't catch a break from violent leaders.
This time around that overlord isn't Donald Sutherland's President Snow; it's Benicio Del Toro's Pablo Escobar, doing his part to put the "based on a true story" into this movie. Hutcherson falls for Escobar's niece (Claudia Traisac), only to find himself enmeshed in the world of the notorious Colombian cocaine trafficker. When a drug lord comments that he needs to be able to trust you, you should probably watch your back.
It's hard to tell whether Hutcherson will go all Dark!Peeta in this movie — he does end the trailer covered in blood spatter — but he seems very Jesse Pinkman-pained about this life he's found himself in throughout the latter half. Poor soul just can't escape all the brutality.