I'm not too sure why exactly this is a thing that's happening, or if Kanye West is in trouble/being held against his will and needs help, but bottom line: This is, in fact, a thing that's happening. According to Us Weekly, Kanye West will be on Kris Jenner's talk show. He's apparently already taped an actual segment on his girlfriend's mother's show, Kris, which is set to air on August 23. Like, he talks to her, and everything!
An unnamed "source" told Us Weekly about the appearance — one would assume that means someone in the audience, but it seems unlikely that just one person would get the idea to approach the tabloids if they sat in on a taping of Kris that featured surprise guest Kanye West, so I'm at a loss for who the source could be. Maybe Kris herself. That wouldn't even be surprising, given the ratings.
Anyway, according to this source, Yeezus himself talked all about his relationship with newborn baby girl North West, how he feels about living in Kris's house with his ladylove Kim Kardashian, and how he feels about the press. The source also says he was "really bringing it" for the interview, which means that they probably couldn't see he was being held at gunpoint to do this thing. We assume.
Fun story: Earlier this month when Kim posted on her Instagram that she would be appearing on her mother's talk show to surprise her, I forced myself to watch an entire hour of that show waiting for that appearance — in the name of journalism, of course. In the end, all that the audience got was some ridiculous cop-out video of Kim smiling at a camera, wishing her mom the best, and apologizing for not being able to appear in person because she's "loving life at home too much right now." A whole hour, for that. So, you know, I really can't be blamed for not totally taking this report totally seriously until there's a real clip of Kanye being all buddy buddy with Kris in front of me.
But hey, maybe I'm being too cynical. After all, Kanye is living in Kris's house with Kim and North. That means Kris has ample time to hypnotize him in his sleep, and don't even try to tell me she wouldn't do that, because this is the woman who was slipping Viagra in her husband's coffee every morning during the early episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
Will I watch the episode in hopes of seeing Kanye on it, though?
... Probably. Damn you, Kris Jenner.