I would imagine that a Spiderman mask would be rather uncomfortable with facial hair underneath it, and it's highly probable that this discomfort was considered when Andrew Garfield decided to grow out his facial hair. Spotted in Italy for the Venice Film Festival, Andrew Garfield has grown a full beard and is clearly taking advantage of his follicular freedom before the filming of The Amazing Spider-Man 3 commences (well, if it ever does). Essentially, this is his "now or never moment" for a beard. Let me say that his choice to go full Deadwood revival on his face actually works for him.
As the years have passed, Garfield has gone from baby-faced beardless man to whisker enthusiast. He’s been clean-shaven for many of his roles, including Spiderman. More recently, he’s let things grow out and get a little lumberjacky. Back in July, the actor escorted his better half Emma Stone to the New York premiere of her film Magic in the Moonlight and showed off some nice full facial hair. And now it's gotten even longer. I’m sure Stone is enjoying the novelty of cheek scruff, and Garfield will probably enjoy it even more himself when it’s not August.
Indubitably, this beard development has cast a new light on Garfield. Seriously, check him out. Wouldn't he be right at home in the subzero temperatures of an Alaskan winter, ice fishing for the night's meal?
No joke, he would make a perfect wilderness dude, and a very attractive one at that. Here are all the professions that Andrew Garfield’s new beard make him suitable for. This new scruff can open plenty of occupational doors.
This is a beard meant for logging, flannel, and the great outdoors.
Craft beer brewer
A beard like that should be accessorized with hoppy foam and flowers.
A very young Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha
The sculpted shape of Garfield's beard just screams 17th century Spain.
Biodynamic farmer
Socially responsible produce tastes so much better through mouth fur.
Deadwood castmember
That cheek fuzz he's rocking is straight up 1870s Dakota Territory.
Might as well go native, just like Swanson.
Old Prospector
Will Ferrell's grizzled old prospector character and Andrew Garfield would hit it off as a couple old mountain miners, consarnit.
Image: Giphy; United Artists