
Superman's Ice Bucket Challenge Doesn't Disappoint

by Tanya Ghahremani

By now, it seems like just about every celebrity in Hollywood has taken and has been tagged for the ALS ice bucket challenge. But! Things aren't always as they seem, of course. Not every celebrity who's been tagged has completed the challenge (we all see you, Jennifer Lawrence!) and, of course, not every celebrity has yet released their video. Today, though, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams submitted their ice bucket challenge video to the world, while taking a break from the movie they're currently filming together, Batman v. Superman. You can tell, because they're on a backlot, and, you know, I don't think Cavill goes around wearing a Superman suit for fun. (Maybe he does? I don't know. I don't know his life.)

The video is cute, as most of them have been — Adams starts off by introducing herself and Cavill, as if she needed to, before proceeding to nominate all five of her siblings to partake in the challenge next. (Who knew she had that many siblings?) Then, the ice water part comes, and both get doused in water that looks extremely cold.

That's not the end of it, though. After the first bucket, Adams jumps out of the way, and a procession of five buckets — and trash bins full — of ice water follow. I assume it's one for every time he was nominated. Henry Cavill has a lot of friends.

Check out the video below. Does this get anyone else totally pumped up for Batman v Superman?

Image: Vimeo