If you a) Didn't watch the Emmys last night, or b) aren't an active user of the social networking site Tumblr (apparently, both can be mutually exclusive!), you may not be aware of the fact that Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch took home an Emmy award last night for Best Actor in a Miniseries for the Sherlock episode, "His Last Vow." In addition, Sherlock won a handful of awards, and this is important considering the show is produced by BBC across the pond: To put it in perspective for you, it did better than True Detective. Hell, it did better than Breaking Bad . That's a huge deal.
Even if you didn't tune into the Emmys or read any of the copious Emmy coverage that every site from here to Us Weekly was doling out, if you're a Tumblr user, you probably already know about Cumberbatch's and Sherlock's monumental win: Tumblr seems to be the homebase for Sherlock and Cumberbatch fans to voice their excitement, share their celebration GIFs and art, and, you know, use a lot of exclamation points when talking about Benedict Cumberbatch.
Since this is the morning after Cumberbatch's exciting win (which was well-deserved — Sherlock is indeed a well-produced series, and Cumberbatch is a wonderful actor), I thought I'd take a moment to celebrate with them, and highlight the best of Tumblr's happiness about this victory. It might make you feel a little inferior in your GIF-making skillz, but try to focus on the excitement here, OK?
Image: BBC; rominatrix/Tumblr, houseofwonderandchaos/Tumblr, holmeswilliam/Tumblr, rominatrix/Tumblr, anotherwellkeptsecret/Tumblr, wholocked-in-221-b/Tumblr, 221bringyourgun/Tumblr, dctective/Tumblr, holmeswilliam/Tumblr, theartofdeductingtherude/Tumblr, bencdaily/Tumblr, 20k-colnote/Tumblr, ohgodbenny/Tumblr, rominatrix/Tumblr, benedictdaily/Tumblr, vowofsherlock/Tumblr, martinfreefan/Tumblr, enerjax/Tumblr