12 Sweet School Supplies To Get You Excited For The New Year
Years of schooling have conditioned me into thinking that the calendar year starts in September rather than January, and lasts until June. September goes hand in hand with resolutions for the new year, pumpkin spice lattes, and fresh school supplies whether, I've graduated or not.
Whether you are still mentally stuck on an academic calendar or are really heading back to school (lucky!), we could all use some fresh school supplies to start the year off right. Before you go ahead and buy those classic marble notebooks and standard ballpoint pens, give these handmade beauties a peek.
write that down pencils
Ever get a great idea when you are on the move or about to fall asleep? Keep these pretty mint pencils nearby and write that shit down.
Write That Down (set of 3), $5,
red floral notebook
Your ideas are great! They deserve to be documented in great notebooks like this sweet red floral one.
Red floral notebook, $8.23,
from the library of stamp
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve lent a book to a friend only to never see it again. Maybe with an adorable stamp like this, I’d be more likely to get my library back.
Library stamp, $21,
ipad stand
If you are going to use an iPad stand, you might as well look cool doing it. Which won’t be hard with this awesome wood stand.
iPad stand, $39,
wood flash drive
I’ve never seen a flash drive look so awesome. If they all looked this nice, maybe I wouldn’t lose them so frequently.
Wood flash drive, $21,
arrested development pencils
I love a good Arrested Development reference, so these pencils were made for me. Check out the entire Etsy shop for pencils with all your favorite pop culture references.
Arrested Development pencils (set of 12), $14,
pencil case
After you order a bunch of awesome pencils, you can store them in this trendy pencil case to up your cool factor even more.
Pencil case, $16,
recycled notebook
I recommend helping the environment as much as you can, which is easy when recycled notebooks as cute as this one exist.
Recycled notebook, $10,
illustrated moleskine notebook
Moleskine notebooks are my favorite, and this illustrated version makes them even better.
Illustrated notebook, $12,
blue floral notebook
I just can’t stop with the floral notebooks. They’re awesome.
Blue floral notebook, $8.23,
tabby cat reusable lunch bag
Reusable lunch bags are great for the environment, and for your reputation as the coolest cat in school.
Tabby cat reusable lunch bag, $22,
write something today
I could definitely use this notebook for motivation every day.
Write something today notebook, $14,