Very Important Pumpkin Spice Latte News

Friday had a very distinct chill in the air, and while I personally am nowhere near ready for fall, I know that those people eagerly anticipating the Pumpkin Spice Latte's return to Starbucks menus nationwide feel differently. Sure, what's so appealing about beach/crop top/day drinking/naked sleeping weather when the start of fall means you can all pour 500 calories (I'm guessing here) of the sugary-sweet espresso concoction down your gullets while wearing fall sweaters?
Though the basic bitch of all beverages has an official return date of Sept. 2, apparently it could appear at your local Starbucks as soon as Aug. 25. I anticipate that next year we will be drinking our PSLs while eating grilled hot dogs on the Fourth of July, and that eventually the return of the drink will signify the onset of spring rather than autumn. To me this feels a bit like when radio stations start playing Christmas music in October. Is anyone else wondering why we can't just enjoy the current season rather than needlessly advancing the inevitable march of time, or am I just prone to existentialism?
Should you need some pumpkin spiciness to get you through the 10 days between now and Aug. 25, you could follow the official PSL Twitter for some intel. The account is being pretty coy right now about where and when exactly to find your favorite beverage, but I expect it'll be a good source for ensuring that you're one of the first to get your autumn on once the time comes.
In the meantime, the tweets are pretty entertaining.
TheRealPSL, you may have almost won me over . . . but I'll still be sipping on my Starbucks Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade until fall starts — which, by the way, isn't until Sept. 22, people.