Listen to Hilary Duff's Real Comeback Single

Last week, the Duffster hinted that a new song might be coming our way, and she wasn’t kidding. On Monday, Hilary Duff’s new single “All About You” hit the Internet, and it’s fantastic. If Duff's first comeback track, “Chasing the Sun,” wasn’t your thing, definitely give “All About You” a try. The song stays true to the adult contemporary sound Ed Sheeran spoke about back in June, while still managing to be super modern, a ton of fun, and ridiculously catchy. In fact, "All About You" is probably the catchiest song I've heard in recent memory. I just can't stop listening to it!
First of all, let me say that “All About You” is not at all what I was expecting. Duff got some help on the track from hit makers Savan Kotecha, Carl Falk, and Kristian Lundin, so I was preparing myself for an expertly crafted — but fairly straightforward — pop song. What I got instead is a song that kicks off with strumming guitars…and a banjo?
Then, some “We Will Rock You”-style percussion drops in and Duff launches into the song’s first flirty verse. But just when you think you have “All About You’s” folk-pop vibe all figured out, a stuttering snare drum hits right before the chorus and really wakes things up. It's like The Lumineers' "Hey Ho" meets Britney Spears' "Drop Dead Beautiful." If that sounds too weird for you — just listen to the song. It works. I promise.
There are many layers of catchiness going on in “All About You,” but the song’s greatest strength is without a doubt its chorus, where Duff’s sweet voice is joined by what sounds like a crowd of a hundred people, all enthusiastically chanting:
Think you're all about me, but I'm all about you
Turn the light downs, let me show you it's true
Get a little taste of what I'm into
Think you're all about me, but I'm all about you
I think it goes without saying that we like to be able to sing along with our pop songs, and “All About You” is basically declaring, "I don’t care if you only kinda know the lyrics, and I don’t care if you’re completely tone deaf: Please, shout along to my chorus with all of your might! It’ll feel amazing." And it does.
So, what was the deal with “Chasing the Sun,” anyway? Why did Duff release two singles in such a short amount of time? Well, in a recent interview on the Scotty K & Riley morning show, Duff explained that “Chasing the Sun” was just “a little tease" for her fans after being gone from the music scene for seven long years. “All About You,” however, is her “radio single” — the song that she’ll be promoting in the coming months. Makes sense. I really hope that “Chasing the Sun” was able to get Duff’s name out there again, because “All About You” deserves to be a massive hit.
"All About You" is available on iTunes now.
Images: Giphy