'Big Brother' Tore Hayden & Nicole Apart

We all knew this day was going to come sooner or later. Nicole was on top this week as the reigning Head of Household on Big Brother . But during the second eviction on Thursday night's double eviction episode, Nicole found herself on the block against her showmance partner Hayden to boot, who was eventually evicted from the Big Brother house.
I think we all need a moment to let that sink in. For weeks, we saw Nicole and Hayden, one of the cutest showmances to ever walk through that Big Brother door, flirt, cuddle, and eventually go on a makeout marathon. But all good things must come to an end, even if we don't want to believe that they do.
Caleb won HoH for the second eviction of the night. He originally nominated Hayden and Donny, which was equally torturous to witness. But with Donny not really having an alliance right now, playing as a free agent essentially, it wasn't totally unexpected that he would be nominated this week either.
Thank the Big Brother gods, though. Donny won the Power of Veto competition tonight, which was the sole decider of who would be nominated since there would be no time for a Battle of the Block competition. Donny of course took himself on the block, and Caleb put up Nicole in his place.
And just like that, Hayden was gone with a vote of 5 to 2. We'll miss you, resident surfer dude/boy toy to Nicole. You always had a smile on your face and you were generally loyal to your alliance members, even if you were also kind of a floater. But thankfully, we got one more entertaining gem when Hayden told host Julie Chen, "I got boned!" What wonderful last words.
Surprisingly, Nicole was not crying in a fetal position upon Hayden's exit. She was actually pretty stoic. Just before the cameras cut to Hayden chatting with Chen, it sounded like Nicole was going to call out Christine on her recent scheming in the house. Could this be the end of "Nicotine," too?
Yeah, that was a pretty whirlwind and ultimately depressing eviction night, wasn't it? Well, we can always cling to the hope of Hayden returning to the house, as Chen keeps hinting. When are we going to make this twist "offish"?
Image: CBS