One of the hardest things about being in the Big Brother house has to be the complete isolation from the outside world — including family members. As houseguests compete, lie, make deals, and start showmances, they know that their families are watching their every move, but have no way of knowing how they really feel. At least we viewers know that at least one houseguest's family is supporting him 100 percent. Frankie's sister, Ariana Grande, has shown that she not only supports his gameplay decisions and budding showmance with Zach, but is totally there for him — literally.
During Thursday's live episode, Jocasta was evicted and brought out onto the stage outside of the Big Brother house to talk to host Julie Chen. After a standard goodbye chat that sent Jocasta to the Jury House, Big Brother cut to commercial. Standard stuff. When the show returned, the cameras panned the audience, and there she was, popstar Ariana Grande, taking time from her undoubtedly busy schedule to cheer on her brother from the closest possible place. And though we cant be completely sure, it seemed like she was sitting with her and Frankie's mother, Joan Grande, who's also a vocal supporter of Frankie as both a Big Brother houseguest and one half of Zankie.
Don't believe me about Ariana? Julie tweeted the proof.
If that's not proof that Ariana is Frankie's biggest fan, I don't know what is. According to her Twitter, Ariana has spent the past few days rehearsing, adopting a dog, releasing sneak peeks of her new album, hanging out with her nonna, and running Frankie's social media accounts.
But she still made time to come support Frankie at the Big Brother live show, even though they won't be able to see each other. Frankie better figure out how he's gonna thank Ariana when he leaves the house — he owes her.
Image: FrankieJGrande/Instagram