
This A Cappella Group's Hips Don't Lie

by Kristie Rohwedder

Now don’t hold me to this, for I've reached the following conclusion solely by way of my own social media experiences, but I’d say that after The Adorable Cat Video, the most popular genre of viral video is The A Cappella Medley of Well-Known Songs. Am I sick of either yet? No way. Will I ever be sick of either? I can't see the future. Where am I going with this? No, I don't have an adorable cat video up my sleeve. Sorry. But I DO have Out of the Blue’s a cappella medley of Shakria hits. You're welcome.

Buckle up, for this is not a shaky cell phone recording of a competition performance. The all-male choir from Oxford University's video is a choreographed and bedazzled spectacular. As our friends across the pond would say, it's MAJOR. How major? Shakira is a fan. Out of the Blue is living my wildest dream.

But the majorosity doesn't stop at the body gems and the Shak shout-outs: the song and the video were recorded for a great cause: The medley is available for purchase and the proceeds will go to the Helen and Douglas House, an organization that provides hospice care for children and young adults.

Hey, remember a few words back when I said this isn't a cat video? I lied. Check out the 0:53 mark:


Image: ootboxford/YouTube