Such A Good Look Into 'Into the Woods'

It's heeeeerreeeee. We've been talking about the big screen adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's musical Into the Woods, intermittently, for months now. Wednesday, however, revealed the biggest glimpse we've actually gotten into the film yet, thanks to People's exclusive stills from Into the Woods' s twisted take on fairy tales — as interpreted by Rob Marshall via Sondheim. Basically: Chris Pine looks damn dashing riding that horse, but maybe don't expect that hotness to carry over to his character's personality.
The most recent Into the Woods headlines were about the rather troubling Sondheim quotes that circulated and seemed to point toward Disney stripping away all the subversive aspects of the musical that made it so beloved in the first place. That kerfuffle was calmed a bit when Sondheim stepped in to say that reports of sacrilege had been greatly exaggerated — and that he "can happily report that it is not only a faithful adaptation of the show, it is a first-rate movie."
With that behind us, we can now look at this bevy of images with fresh, optimistic eyes. Behold, it's Anna Kendrick as Cinderella! And Chris Pine riding a horse as her prince! It's Emily Blunt and James Corden as The Baker and The Baker's Wife!
And it's Meryl Streep menacing them!
And we can't forget little Lilla Crawford as Little Red Riding Hood, frolicking her heart out.
Now we just need that first trailer.
You can see the rest of the new images — which include looks at Cinderella's step-family (Christine Baranski!) and of Johnny Depp as The Wolf — over at People.
Image: Disney