Katherine Heigl's Return to TV Would Be Good News, Trust Us
Why the hell does everyone hate Katherine Heigl so much? It's a question that people always have an answer for — she's a bad actress! she was mean to her Grey's Anatomy co-stars! she's married to that lame guy who sang "Amazing" in 2003! — but come on, guys. It's time to give her a (tenth) chance because reportedly, Heigl wants to come back to TV. She's evidently negotiating to star in a procedural by the same writer and director of Castle and Body of Proof, and if she's ready to come back to the small screen, we should welcome her with open arms. Here's why.
She's Seriously Not That Bad
Why the hell does everyone hate Katherine Heigl so much? It's a question that people always have an answer for — she's a bad actress! she was mean to her Grey's Anatomy co-stars! she's married to that lame guy who sang "Amazing" in 2003! — but come on, guys. It's time to give her a (tenth) chance because reportedly, Heigl wants to come back to TV. She's evidently negotiating to star in a procedural by the same writer and director of Castle and Body of Proof, and if she's ready to come back to the small screen, we should welcome her with open arms. Here's why.
She Was Great on 'Grey's
Don't let her dramatic exit from the show prevent you from remembering that she won an Emmy for her role as Izzie Stevens. Sure, yeah, the next year she pulled her name out of the Emmy race because she didn't think the material she was given to work with was strong enough to warrant an award (ouch), but just because she has high standards, should we hold it against her? She's not the only Grey's cast member to bash her experience working on the series, but it does seem like she's received the most flack for it.
'Knocked Up' Was Hilarious
In case you never fully appreciated Heigl's role in Knocked Up, perhaps knowing that the role was supposed to go to Anne Hathaway will help you see the light. (Hathaway pulled out at the last minute because she wasn't on board with the graphic birth scene.) I know what you're thinking, though — "but she slammed the movie right after it came out!", but her "it's a little sexist" comment was taken too literally. She told People , "My motive was to encourage other women like myself to not take that element of the movie too seriously and to remember that it's a broad comedy. Although I stand behind my opinion, I'm disheartened that it has become the focus of my experience with the movie." Nothing wrong with that!
'27 Dresses' Was Terrible, But She Wasn't
It was a little weird that Heigl would agree to star in such an off-the-rack, 100 percent predictable Hollywood rom-com, but hey, she made the best of it. She was effortlessly watchable, even though the movie itself, wasn't.
'The Ugly Truth' Was Surprisingly Successful
Believe it or not, this horrible movie that Time ranked as one of the worst chick flicks of all time, is actually Heigl's second best performing film at the box office, behind Knocked Up. It raked in $199.4 million worldwide, proving that even if everything about the picture sucks, people still want to see Katie in action.
'Killers' (Hey, She Tried)
There is nothing even remotely redeemable about Killers, but it definitely shows that Heigl's got one hell of go-get-'em attitude. No one thought this movie was a good idea, but she went for it because she needed something, anything ... and while some people call that desperation, I like to think of it more as stick-to-itiveness.
The time for a TV comeback is now. Let's do this, Heigl.