Drama, Drama, Drama

Who says former Bachelor contestants don’t deserve a second chance at love? Twenty-six-year-old Lacy Faddoul, who was sent home early in Juan Pablo’s season seriously lucked out twice. First, she got super lucky when JPG sent her home early, because he was the worst and then got lucky again when she was cast on the new show Bachelor In Paradise . To make matters more dramatic, Lacy is rumored to be engaged to Marcus Grodd, who we just saw get the boot in the most recent season of The Bachelorette. Too bad for Andi, Marcus was really hot and now off the market for good. I for one, cannot wait to see Lacy and Marcus get together and see how their relationship became so serious so fast. I mean, he said that he was ready to propose to Andi on the show, I’m pretty convinced this guy really just wants to be married ASAP and he doesn’t seem to care who it’s to.
Since Lacy went home so quickly the first time we met her, we don’t know too much about her yet, so I’ve scoured the internet soaking up all the information I could find so you can be fully prepared for what to expect when you’re drinking red wine and watching Bachelor in Paradise .
She's Got a Heart of Gold
I mean, when looking for your dream girl, it doesn’t hurt to date a girl who helps elderly people. According to her tumblr page, she bought her first elderly care facility when she was 20 years old. I’ve got to say, I’m 24 and couldn’t even buy a computer for myself, let alone an entire facility, equipment, and staff, so I am not positive how that’s possible. However, we don’t know her very well, maybe she’s loaded, but that seems like a respectable profession considering the strange professions we’ve seen in the past in the Bachelor universe. Honestly, someone who takes care of older folks has to be a sweet person right? I guess we will find out soon.
She's Got So Many Jobs
Faddoul also went out and got her real estate license in her free time. So, while she may spend some time at her nursing home, she also goes out and sells real estate. Last year she posted that now that she owned multiple elderly care facilities in southern California (she lives in La Jolla, just outside of San Diego), she decided it was time to get a real estate license. How does this girl even find time to go on a dating show?
She’s got a giant (and I mean giant) family
When asked who she admired most on her Bachelor questionnaire, she said her parents, which is a typical answer, except for the fact that Lacy has 10 siblings. Of her parents' 11 children, Lacy says that nine of them are mentally-handicapped. Okay, so Lacy should admire her parents because that’s like Duggar family size and I don’t even know how any person could handle that many children. “They have hearts of gold and so have so much patience,” Faddoul said.
She's a Total Disney Kid
I do a lot of creeping on Lacy's Twitter and some snooping on her Instagram for you guys, and have found that Lacy frequents Disneyland multiple times a year. She dresses up as Minnie for halloween, she takes some of the folks at her nursing home there, and in her bio, she mentions that her worst date was when she went to Disneyland with a guy and he was in a bad mood the whole night. Who is upset when they’re at Disneyland?
She’s got the cutest dog ever!
This little nugget's name is Bella and she’s freaking adorable. I wonder who was dog sitting for her while she was gone, because I totally would have volunteered.
Bachelor in Paradise Stars: They Snack Like Us
It’s people who don’t like Flaming Hot Cheetos that you really need to be questioning. I give Lacy 10 extra cool points for Cheetos.
Images: Francisco Roman/ABC; Getty Images; Instagram/LacyFaddoul (4); b4ked/Flickr;