Heels — they don't always make a shoe better. In many cases, the effect is actually quite the opposite. When it comes to footwear, I'm of the mind that you shouldn't fix something if it's not broken. However, this hasn't stopped the world from sticking a high heel where it doesn't belong. This is the part where we remember that people actually thought Timberland heels were a good idea, and collectively cringe. Yeah, that was a dark thing that happened...
I wish that this was the only example of high heel error, but that's hardly the case. In our lifetimes, we have survived plenty of situations in which traditionally non-heeled shoes have received high heel makeovers. Shoes like the heeled flip-flop, the heeled Croc, and the heeled Teva have all at one point seemed like a good enough of an idea to mass produce. Why? Obviously, because it seems like a high heel would make a shoe exponentially more fabulous. Plus, they make you tall! In reality though, these heeled iterations of knock-around shoes were just a big old stew of bad taste. So, without further ado, here are 6 shoes that should never have been turned into high heels.
The Timberland Boot
The stiletto Timberland just grossly defeats the purpose of a work boot.
Hey, sneaker wedges! The reason I'm wearing sneakers in the first place is not to put all my weight on the ball of my foot...Get with the program.
They weren't good without heels, and they're not good with 'em.
Everything about stiletto Tevas just screams bad idea. I get that true divas hike in heels, but this is just silly.
Other than being nearly impossible to walk in, the kitten heel flip flop tried desperately to be cute, which made its garishness all the more profound. Let's retire these permanently.
This happened, and there are no words.
Images: Fuschsia Foot/Flickr; bonjiklaid, shopdfwh/ Ebay; Crocs; Gearist; Amazon