On September 28, the new season of The Simpsons premieres, and a main character is going to die. Now a new teaser clip is suggesting that dead The Simpsons character might end up being Homer Simpson himself. When we first heard that The Simpsons writers were killing someone, Bustle 's very own Alanna Bennett weighed the odds for each of the main characters. When it came to Homer biting the dust she wrote, "Haha, there is no way. Just literally no way, unless they bring him right back to life."
But the new clip, which debuted at Comic-Con on Saturday, shows that Homer may be closer to death than any of us thought. The scene shows Marge Simpson struggling to keep her husband breathing while daughter Lisa Simpson watches the harrowing scene on her "Daddy Cam." It would be kind of a dark scene on its own, but suggesting that the show's most iconic character could be the one to go is crazy.
It seems like The Simpsons is trying to outdo Family Guy 's killing of Brian in a big way. Fans were outraged with the dog's death to the point that the show eventually brought him back to life. Brian wasn't even the show's main character and people were threatening to quit watching for good. Imagine what Simpsons' fans will do if Homer dies. D'oh!
If this clip is foreshadowing the famous character's death, let's hope it copies Family Guy and does bring him back instead of sticking with the death to try to further outdo the other animated show. Life without Homer Simpson would be a decidedly less entertaining one.
Image: Fox