Miley Cyrus, and Other Stars Who Failed to Make Coined Words Happen
Miley Cyrus announced this week (via Twitter, of course) that her new album will be called Bangerz. The title is already pretty heavy-handed and ridiculous — after all, Cyrus means bangerz as in club bangers, so, in essence, it's like calling an album "Dance Songz." But Miley's not satisfied with bangerz just being a terrible album name, she also wants to make it into a catch phrase. Not a good call on her part — most celebrity catchphrases become hacky and overused pretty quickly, and next thing you know, your grandma starts saying them. Read on for evidence.
Miley Cyrus' New Album Will Be Called 'Bangerz'
Miley Cyrus announced this week (via Twitter, of course) that her new album will be called Bangerz. The title is already pretty heavy-handed and ridiculous — after all, Cyrus means bangerz as in club bangers, so, in essence, it's like calling an album "Dance Songz." But Miley's not satisfied with bangerz just being a terrible album name, she also wants to make it into a catch phrase. Not a good call on her part — most celebrity catchphrases become hacky and overused pretty quickly, and next thing you know, your grandma starts saying them. Read on for evidence.
'Gettin' Jiggy With It'
Who said it: Will Smith, hardcore rapper and former prince.
What it means: Dancing and getting down. Na na na na na na. Na na na na na na.
Who says it now: Your mom, when she's being particularly embarrassing.
'That's Hot'
Who said it: Original sex tape princess and professional celebrity Paris Hilton.
What it means: "I think that's really cool, but I need to say it in the most sexual way possible."
Who says it now: Middle schoolers who buy knockoff Louis Vuitton purses so maybe, just maybe, Ashley will think they're cool and invite them to her boy-girl birthday party.
'Fo Shizzle'
Who said it: Newly Rastafarian and Miley Cryus' favorite weed friend, Snoop Dogg (Lion).
What it means: "I am really stoned right now, and this is a lot more hilarious than just saying 'yes'."
Who says it now: Really corny white dudes who think this is the equivalent to making a joke.
Who said it: Drake, the emotional misogynist rapper and Degrassi alum.
What it means: "You only live once, so I'm going to spend my one life getting extremely wasted and going to clubs where the DJ is just a guy with a backwards baseball hat on playing music from his laptop!"
Who says it now: The most clueless frat boys, who don't yet realize that the saying went out of style a few months ago.
Who said it: Olympic medalist and sex idiot Ryan Lochte.
What it means: Just let Ryan explain it to you.
Who says it now: You'd think this one would be ripe for bro usage around the country, but I'm pretty sure the only person who has ever said this word is Ryan Lochte.