It's that time again. San Diego Comic Con is upon us and with that comes television news galore, or more importantly Game of Thrones casting news galore. The beloved HBO series finally cast plenty of anticipated characters for Season 5 including Doran Martell, Myrcel Baratheon, and High Sparrow.
According to Hitfix, the new cast is as follows:
New cast members are being announced: Doran Martell will be Alexander Siddig. Woot. Trystane Martell will be played by Toby Sebastain. Myrcell Baratheon will now be played by Nell Tiger Free. DeObia Opareoi will play Areo Hotah. Enzo Cilenti will play Yezzan. Nymeria Sand will be played by Jessica Henwick. Tyene Sand will be Rosabell Laurenti Sellars. Obara Sand will be played be Oscar nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes. High Sparrow will be played by Tony nominee JONATHAN PRYCE.
Plenty of Martells (hello, Dorne, book fans) and Sands are in order and while not all of these actors might be immediately recognizable, fans of cheesy, water-bound summer blockbusters will remember High Sparrow portrayer Jonathan Pryce as Keira Knightley's prudish, fussy father from The Pirates of the Caribbean. Of course, that's not all this casting news tells us about the highly anticipated Season 5.
Doran Martell (Alexander Siddig)
Doran Martell is head of House Martell, which probably isn't super stoked about Prince Oberyn Martell getting his skull crushed. Add that to the fact that he's also still enraged over the death of his murdered sister Elia Martell and we're looking at some serious ammunition for retaliation. Of course, book fans know how all that turns out. The actor who's playing him, Siddig, famously played Dr. Bashir on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, so he's hopping from one classic nerd camp to another. How appropriate.
Myrcella Baratheon (Nell Tiger Free)
(Pictured in the film Broken.)
Myrcella, Cersei's daughter who was shipped off to Dorne, was recast for Season 5, suggesting that much like Cersei's son Tommen, her role is about to get a lot bigger... because we're totally going to Dorne.
Prince Trystane Martell (Toby Sebastian)
Trystane is Doran's youngest child and is very friendly with Myrcella. Fun fact: the British-American musician and actor has a bit of a rapport with Game of Thrones standby Sophie Turner thanks to another project they worked on together. Some folks even think they're dating, but that's obviously not confirmed.
Nymeria Sand (Jessica Henwick)
(Pictured in CBBC show Spirit Warriors.)
She's kind of a big deal. She is one of the Sand Snakes and the bastard child of Oberyn and she's out for Lannister blood now that her father is dead. They call her Lady Nym, but she seems a little more like Lady Vengeance.
High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce)
He's the High Septon of the religion of the seven kingdoms and in A Feast For Crows, Cersei lets him restore Faith Militant (the religion's military arm) when she needs a favor. Typical Cersei.
Yezzan (Enzo Cilenti)
He's a slaver who buys Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister in the books. Which makes sense, since Tyrion didn't die for "killing" Joffrey.
Obara Sand (Keisha Castle-Hughes)
She's another Sand Snake and bastard child of Oberyn, but she's the eldest and most cantankerous. She will demand vengeance for her father's death. (And probably be a general badass.)
Tyene Sand (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers)
She's yet another Sand Snake seeking vengeance for her slain father.
Areo Hotah (DeObia Opareoi)
He's a Dorne guard tasked with arresting the Sand Snakes after Oberyn's death. He later gets involved with a plot to whisk Myrella away from Dorne.
Image: HBO; Getty Images (3); Wild Bunch; Toby Sebastian; CBBC