Beyonce & Jay Z’s Saddest Photos Might Inadvertently Prove the End Is Near
The reports are out there and while nothing has been confirmed yet, it seems that the end is nigh. That's right, reportedly, Beyoncé and Jay Z are headed towards divorce. While this would undoubtedly be heartbreaking, maybe if we were body language experts, we could predict the outcome based on photos of the couple. Unfortunately, Bey and Jay look unhappy in pics fairly often. If pictures say 1,000 words, these would say "so sad," "holding in the tears," "miserable," etc.
Here's photographic evidence that Jay Z and Beyoncé are just as sad as we're going to be if the rumors are true.
Why So Serious?
These are not the faces of happy people. They’re just not.
Watery Eyes
Okay, their eyes definitely are watery. Jay Z looks like I did after seeing The Fault In Our Stars.
Forced Smiles
Such a pained expression on her face. He looks like he’s trying (and failing) to think happy thoughts.
Feeling Blue
Is she biting her hand as a way to fight back the tears?
Miserable at the Met
Sure, their outfits are fierce. But it kind of also looks like they’re in mourning — mourning what their relationship used to be.
Masking Their Sadness
Why is her hair wet, you may ask? From all of the tears. Doesn’t it look like she just finished crying?
Jay does not look happy that Beyonce is on her phone. His face screams, “Pay attention to me instead of Twitter.”
So Much Shade
What’s going on behind those sunglasses? Streams of tears, probably.
So Distant
We can’t see their faces, but their body language speaks volumes. Look how separated they are. Even the way she’s sitting seems sad.
Trouble In Paradise?
Once again, her eyes look watery. He looks concerned.
A Foreshadow
As we travel further back in Jay/Bey history, it makes me wonder how long this sadness has gone on. Just look at those faces.
Puffy Eyes
An alternate title for this slideshow: “Beyoncé & Jay Z at Sports Games.” But anyway, look at their faces. Shouldn’t sports fans be smiling? And is it just me or do her eyes look puffy?
Wiping Away Tears
She could be scratching her forehead, or wiping away tears.
So Done
Mid-sneeze or mid-heartbreak? She looks like she can’t even deal with Jay in this photo, as he gazes sadly into the distance.
No Words
This picture sums up my reaction to these rumors: disbelief and disappointment.