Sexist Ads...Genderswapped

Though gender-bending is anything but new, I feel like it's gained "Internet trend" status in the past year — especially now that people are doing it to make a point against sexism. This is where TakePart contributors Holly Eagleson and Lauren Wade come in. According to the Daily Mail, they responded to recent controversies regarding photographer Terry Richardson and former American Apparel CEO Dov Charney by replacing the hyper-sexualized women in their ads/photos with, well, dudes.
I should include a little background for those who have skillfully avoided any recent news about either Richardson or Charney (or in many cases, both). Last month, a feature in the New York Magazine shed light on Richardson’s many allegations from various models regarding sexual harassment. In the same month, Dov Charney was dismissed by American Apparel for his long history of sexual misconduct in the workplace. Then he was rehired. In other words, these guys each caught a piece of the plastic “Most Disliked Guys Summer 2014” crown.
In response to news regarding both Richardson and Charney, Eagleson and Wade wrote an article featuring several bold photos for TakePart. They explain that though Charney and Richardson weren't the first, nor will they be the last to sexualize women in advertising, they thought it was about time someone stood up against it:
"Whether or not the recent controversy will lead to the downfall of either, it's time someone called out the rampant sexism they've fostered. What better way to start than by replacing the women in controversial ads with dudes like Charney and Richardson? They're just as disturbing as you'd expect, but only half as distressing as the originals."
And now, the photos. Lauren Wade, a photographer and senior photo editor for Take Part, selected a few especially perverted American Apparel ads, and photos taken by Richardson, and photoshopped men in place of all of the women featured in them. The results are thought provoking, to say the least. Take a look:
For more of Eagleson and Wade's photos, visit
Images: Courtesy of Holly Eagleson and Lauren Wade/