We All Win When Conan & Dave Try Tinder

Ah, Tinder. The matchmaking app known for pairing people who are in close proximity with each other and, ultimately, for yielding mixed results. Conan O'Brien felt that he was out of the loop with this app that millennials are using to hook up, so Conan, with the help of Dave Franco, made a Tinder profile. The two bumble through the world of insta-dating, and the results are absolutely hilarious.
With their amazingly clueless profile building skills (Conan: "I like chai lattes and showering," Franco: "I look like a poor man's Dave Franco"), their discovery of the fact that 70-year-olds exist on Tinder, and their journey to meet their Tinder match, the two are quite the comedic duo. Tinder has never been so well-used.
To be honest, I haven't been one to vouch for Tinder because I firmly uphold the belief that if I am under pressure to change out of my sweatpants, then I am not at my online dating best. I always think, "What's the point of online dating if you can't drink a bottle of white zin while blasting Alanis Morissette in your sweatpants with holes in the crotch?" I think I've found my answer. I mean, imagine if you stumbled upon this whilst swiping right:
Or this?
Swipe "yes" on this video, and watch it below.

Images: Team Coco