Every time we get a behind-the-scenes photo from Pitch Perfect 2 , I get really excited. After all, it reminds me that this movie is actually happening. So on Thursday, when Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow each shared a photo from the Pitch Perfect 2 set, I was twice as happy. Even if they were fairly similar: The co-stars each posted pictures of the Barden Bellas engaged in a pillow fight. (You know, because girls in teenage musicals always have pillow fights.) Kendrick captioned her photo, "All these bitches wrap tomorrow and leave me behind...... I totally H♥TE them." But I love seeing that caption — actresses wrapping their roles means this movie is even closer to actually coming out.
And though nothing is confirmed — there's hardly a final cut of the picture, after all — Brittany Snow's caption claimed that we would indeed be seeing this fight in the finished movie: "Because @annakendrick47 already posted it & captured this as well.... We do our own stunts here on #PitchPerfect2 #fightscene #actionMovie."
But since the two photos depict the same scene, let's play a good old-fashioned game of Spot the Difference. Remember when you were at the dentist and they had all those Highlights magazines in the waiting room? This is just like that—except better, because you get to look at a picture from Pitch Perfect 2.
I counted six fundamental differences between the two photos. (Think bigger than just, "that actress moved.")
1. The tables have really turned for Rebel Wilson's Fat Amy.
In the first shot she's being chased, and in the second it's clear that she is the attacker.
2. Fat Amy has also cranked up the intensity level.
In the first shot she's all like, "Haha, you know I don't do cardio!" Then in the second photo she is like, "Bitch, I told you I don't do cardio!"
3. Lilly's sneak attack was spoiled.
In the first photo, she's creeping up behind Brittany Snow's Chloe, then in the second photo, Chloe caught her. Now Lilly is upset and probably muttering about starting fires or something else equally creepy.
4. Also, Lilly's adorable hedgehog slippers aren't visible in the second photo.
I spotted this difference because I want to own a pair. Also her pajamas look super comfy. Please give me her wardrobe when the movie wraps? 'Kay thanks.
5. Chloe is fighting back.
She's having a blast in the first shot. Then between shot one and two she must have been hit, because she is in it to win it in the second photo. She's gonna chuck the pillow one-handed over her shoulder and she's aiming for the kill.
6. There's a different filter.
Bet you were so focused on the contents of the pictures that you missed one big detail: Kendrick and Snow used different Instagram filters. While Kendrick's deepened the orange saturation, Snow's lightened the photo overall.
Thanks for playing Spot the Difference. I hope that helped tide you over as we all continue to wait for the sequel of the century. Yes, that's what I'm going to call Pitch Perfect 2. Don't lie, you know it's true.
Images: Universal Pictures; Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow/Instagram; fatamyquotes/Tumblr; wikia; sheknows; photobucket; giphy (2)