Mariah Brown is Definitely BFF Worthy

Although it can be kind of hard to relate to the lifestyle of TLC's Sister Wives — since many viewers are not actually polygamists — there are few things I don't absolutely love about it. One of the best parts of the show are the Browns' 17 combined children, and the show's biggest downfall is not giving us enough footage of them, but way too much of Kody, who, more often than not, comes off as a huge jerk. The kids are awesome and definitely don't get enough credit — and after some casual Twitter stalking, I've come to find that my new favorite Brown offspring is Mariah, who is seriously under-appreciated.
If you keep up with the show, you know Mariah is the oldest daughter in the Brown family and Meri's only daughter. You also know that she was the one who was the most unhappy about the family's big move to Vegas, and wanted to go back to Utah ASAP. And could you blame her? Who wants to move away from their friends that close to graduation? But fortunately, Mariah's back — during the school year anyway. She's currently attending Westminster College in Salt Lake City, a private liberal arts school.
And when she's not in class (and if she's like the rest of us, probably when she is) Mariah tweets pretty much constantly... and all of it is enough to convince me that she should definitely be everyone's new BFF.
She cries over Cobie Smulders
And at this point, how could anyone not? Mariah might have liked the finale of How I Met Your Mother, and I definitely did not — but I would totally freak out at a chance meeting with Robin Scherbatsky.
She live tweets Harry Potter Weekend
Or, as ABC Family should call it, every weekend they're stumped on programming. But no matter how many times they replay the movies, I stop being productive and automatically become attached to my couch. Every time.
She's Way More Productive Than Me
I'm not even going to tell you how many times I've watched Netflix this summer.
She called Billy Ray Cyrus her dad's twin
This is hilarious, and not just because I don't like Kody, but because it's 100 percent true. How would I go about getting them to pose side by side in a photo? Is there a number I could call?
Our fake friendship was blossoming — until she committed the worst sin imaginable
Sorry, Mariah. Maybe we can't be friends after all.
Images: TLC