Drake's "Let It Go" Cover Is Hilarious

Your cries of not another Frozen cover might have been stopped by the fact that it's Drake doing it, but don't get too excited. In the first place, Drake doesn't even sing the whole song. In the second place, it's not Drake singing. I mean, it is, but it isn't. Drake's stint hosting the ESPYs Wednesday night went so well that it's all anyone can talk about and it's not hard to understand why. In addition to debuting two new parody songs about the athletic world, Drake sang "Let It Go" as Manny Pacquiao, poking fun at the fact that the world-champion boxer also has a music career.
Gary Cole of Veep fame also features in the video as Drake/Manny's overbearing manager Bernie Champion, coaching Drake through the song and encouraging him every single step of the way. "It's like a metaphor. Like the world is so cold but everyone is still so happy, so it really affected me because I use that as motivation in my life," said Drake/Manny of "Let It Go", summing up pretty much how everyone feels about the song that has emerged as the unquestioned best one from the film.
Drake may have been using Frozen as a means of teasing Manny Pacquiao, but all he's done is make me want him to do a proper cover of "Let It Go" that revitalizes the entire trend of covering songs from the movie. After all, if Pearl Jam can put a '90s grunge feel on "Let It Go", then why can't Drake put a modern rap spin on it? Imagine Drake having a rap solo during the instrumental part where Elsa builds her ice palace in the mountains. Just imagine it.
Watch the video below.